『 Fifteen 』

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Ding dong~

"Finally! One person who has respect to ring the damn doorbell!" Mark shouted, making his way through the crowd towards the entranceway. It was already eleven in the afternoon and the small party had turned out to be way more than that. Students from the university showed up with all kinds of alcohol, inviting themselves in. Taeyong was losing his shit over the fact, so Doyoung had to take him out of the apartment, leaving Mark responsible for whatever happens.

Opening the door, Mark instantly beamed at the presence of Donghyuck who had a look of shock on his face.

"Mark? Is this your apartment?" Donghyuck questioned, glancing over Mark's shoulder to see the dim-lit apartment blaring loud music. A group of random girls pushed past Donghyuck and Mark into the apartment, making Mark curse under his breath at the growing number of people.

"It is." Mark sighed, running a hand through his hair out of frustration. "You should come in, it's cold out here," he suggested pulling Donghyuck into the apartment and closing the door.

As soon as they walked out of the entranceway, the blaring music had increased in volume, Making Donghyuck shout to ask Mark, "Where's Renjun!"

"He's in the Kitchen with the others! Come on!" Mark shouted back, holding onto Donghyuck's hand as they maneuvered through the clutter of people and into the kitchen, where the volume of music was muffled.

Donghyuck spotted Renjun who was playing a game of rock, paper, scissors, with Jisung who was sitting on the corner of the counter, both looking bored out of their minds.


Both boys turned their attention to the light auburn-haired boy, instantly brightening their moods.

"Yes! Hyuck, save us we're dying!" Jisung exaggerated, hatting how they've been stuck in the kitchen due to Jaemin, ever since the party had gone out of control.

Speaking of the devil, Jaemin walked back into the kitchen after having left for a while saying he needed to go to the bathroom. "Oh, Donghyuck's here already? Great!" he beamed, taking a seat on the island. "Now we can have our own fun here in the kitchen."

Renjun rolled his eyes while Jisung stared at the boy in disbelief. "You monster! The fun is happening out there," Jisung exclaimed. "And you're keeping us from having it!"

"Look, the only fun you're gonna find out there is being humped around while a stranger tries to shove their tongue down your throat. So it's better if we stay here," Jaemin reasoned while looking over to Mark who nodded in agreement.

"He's right. Unless you wanna hook with a complete stranger, there's gonna be nothing out there that's fun for you."

Renjun and Jisung stayed silent knowing that they were probably right and should just stick inside the kitchen.

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