『 Eleven 』

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It's been over a week since the day Jaemin came over to Renjun's house and The Winter break had finally begun. In just two days it'll be Christmas eve and Renjun had no one to spend it with. He would usually spend it with Donghyuck, but this year the tanned male planned to go home and spend it with his family.

"Renjun Ge, you can spend the holiday with me," Chenle offered, his cold hands wrapped around the warmth of the hot chocolate he bought.

Chenle, Renjun, and Jisung sat at a booth in the J.T Diner, sipping on their scolding hot chocolates, sharing what they planned to do during the two weeks of winter break.

"It's okay Chenle. You should enjoy it with your mom," Renjun declined. He felt warm to the offer, but he knew Chenle's time with his mom was precious to him and Renjun didn't want to be a bother to their mother-son bonding time.

Chenle pouted in return but nodded nonetheless. "So what are you planning on doing for the holiday Ji." He turned his attention to the boy sitting next to him in the booth who was silently drinking his hot chocolate, seeming to be in deep thought. "Hello... earth to Jisung~" Chenle waved his hands in front of the boy's face, finally getting his attention.

"Huh?... Oh. I'm just gonna spend it how I always do," Jisung said casually.

"And how's that?" Chenle pried.

"You know... decorating a damn tree I never asked for, gift shopping for things I can barely afford, and sharing a long-ass meal with people I have to see every single day," Jisung explained with no specific emotion written on his face. Renjun and Chenle just stared at the boy not knowing what to say. "Oh calm down, I don't hate the holiday. I'm just lazy," he said, rolling his eyes at the two.

"Oh! Speaking of gifts-" Chenle started rummaging through his bag, pulling out two small boxes in his hand. "I got these for everyone." He placed the boxes on the table.

Renjun took the one with his name written on the tag. "Chenle! Thank you so much," he beamed, after opening the box revealing a Moomin enamel pin. He instantly took the pin out of the box, pinning it onto his bag.

Jisung went to grab his too, excited for what he would receive from his precious Chenle. Opening the box, his face instantly fell unamused to the sight of a rubber chicken enamel pin. "What the hell Chenle." The said boy started laughing hard while smacking his hands on the table, finding his gift to Jisung to be very hilarious. Though Jisung was upset with the gift, he couldn't help but smile warmly at the sight and sound of Chenle laughing.

"Sorry Ji, I couldn't help myself." Chenle grinned, wiping away his tears of laughter. Jisung scoffed, but followed in pursuit of Renjun, pinning his gift on his bag, making Chenle beam with happiness. Renjun chuckled at the two, finding them very cute.

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