『 Twenty One 』

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Renjun stood outside of Jisung's apartment door with Donghyuck by his side as he rung the doorbell. The door immediately slammed open, revealing Taeyong who was washed over with relief to see Renjun but became shocked when seeing the boy standing next to him.

"Mr. Lee?" Donghyuck gaped, having the exact same reaction as Renjun when he first came over to the apartment.

"No time for this again. Renjun come inside," Taeyong ordered, not wanting to deal with the boy who still had his gaze fixed on Taeyong as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Donghyuck's coming too," Renjun said, taking a hold of the said boy's hand who was slowly coming back from his shock.

"What?" Taeyong questioned, watching as Renjun pleaded with his eyes. Sighing in defeat, Taeyong stepped to the side to allow the two boys to come in. "Okay fine. Donghyuck can come too, but you listen here," he said, pointing a finger with a warning gaze at Donghyuck, "Whatever you see or hear, stays in this apartment, understand?"

Donghyuck nodded his head obediently, confused and scared for what was awaiting them inside the apartment.

They quickly entered, making their way into the living room where they heard loud groans echoing out from the hall. Seeing Jisung and Mark, sitting on the sofa, looking distressed and anxious, made Renjun feel the same when realizing it was Jaemin who was groaning in pain. Mark turned his head towards the two boys who had arrived, sighing in relief at Renjun's presence, but widening his eyes when seeing Hyuck standing beside him.

"Sunshine?" Mark stood up from the couch, making his way over to the boy, only for him to be pushed away and glared at.

"Don't come near me."

Mark furrowed his brows while looking to Renjun questioningly, wondering why Hyuck was acting this way. Renjun just rolled his eyes in response, bringing his focus to Jisung.

"What's wrong? Why does Jaemin sound like he's dying?" Renjun asked, wincing every time he heard Jaemin cry out in pain.

Before Jisung could answer him, Doyoung had run out into the living room when hearing Renjun's voice, grabbing the boy by his arm and quickly dragging him towards Jaemin's door.

"Listen to me," Doyoung began, breathing heavily from running around the apartment, trying to find things that would usually calm Jaemin down. "Before we enter this room, I need you to stay calm and I need you to help Jaemin. Okay?"

Renjun began to feel heavily anxious from the sounds of Jaemin's groans on top of being given the responsibility of helping the boy. "H-Help how?"

"That's something you're gonna have to figure out yourself. Just help him... okay?" Doyoung advised. He was beyond worried for the boy inside the room, never having dealt with this much panic. He usually always found a way to calm the boy, but this time none of them worked, instead the volume and number of voices inside Jaemin's head rose to the highest it's ever been, giving him the most painful experience he's had in his entire life.

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