『 Eight 』

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Renjun opened the door to his apartment, quickly walking in and shutting it behind him. He let out an exasperated groan as he leaned his back onto the door, ruffling his hair with his hand. He figured he'd skip his classes for the rest of the day and hang out in his warm cozy apartment.

The sudden sound of pans cluttering alerted Renjun. Pushing himself off the door, he grabbed the bat that he kept at the entrance of his apartment just in case of a situation like this. He peeked his head from the entranceway to see the top of a person's head, rummaging through the cupboard he keeps his pans in. Since his apartment has an open kitchen, Renjun quickly got on his hands and knees, crawling from the entrance frame towards the couch. Holding the bat tightly in his hands as he quickly prepared himself before pouncing over the couch. His bat positioned over his head ready to swing at the unknown person.

"Stop right there!"

"Ahhh!" The person fell to the floor, looking at Renjun in horror while holding a pan out in self-defense. "Renjun, what the fuck?!"

Renjun lowered his bat after seeing Donghyuck lying on the ground with a scared expression on his face. "Oh thank fucking god. I thought you were a burglar," he said in relief, walking away to put his bat back along with his coat and bag.

Donghyuck who was still on the floor continued to lie there as if his life had flashed before his eyes. Coming back to the kitchen, Renjun softly chuckled at his friend while placing his hand out for him. Donghyuck eyed Renjun's hand before slapping it away. He picked himself up from off the floor while giving the older a glare. "Seriously... This is like the hundredth time you've done this."

Renjun shrugged his shoulders at the younger. "Better safe than sorry."

"Safe my ass... I'm the real threat, bitch," Donghyuck snapped, holding up the pan in his hand.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry." Renjun brought his arms up as a shield, still finding the whole situation amusing.

Donghyuck tsked at the boy before placing the pan down on the stove. "I was gonna make some fried rice. Want some?" Renjun gave him a thumbs up while opening the fridge. He took out two yakults, tossing one over to Donghyuck who happily caught it. He closed the fridge door with his foot and made his way over to the couch, slumping down.

"Woah... I haven't had these since I was a kid!"

Renjun laughed at Donghyuck's cute little outburst of nostalgia.

The two continued to chat about different things while Donghyuck started preparing their meal. Their conversation was halted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Renjun picked himself up from off the couch and walked over to the entryway. He took a look through the peephole, only to quickly push away from the door as if it had burned him. "Why me?" He quietly whined.

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