『 Sixteen 』

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Jaemin lazily opened his eyes, the sound of someone vacuuming disrupting him from his peaceful sleep. Feeling a weight on his chest, he looked down at Renjun cuddled up to him, who still hasn't woken up from the loud noise going on out in the hall. Carefully trying not to wake the boy, Jaemin stealthily replaced himself with a pillow for Renjun to cuddle with before making his way over to his door to see who in their right mind was cleaning at such an ungodly hour.

Opening the door, Jaemin quickly stepped out into the hall while gently closing it behind him, finding the culprit who was cleaning like there was no tomorrow. He walked over to the outlet the vacuum was plugged into before yanking it out, causing the person to snap their head in his direction.

"Jaemin why'd you do that?!" Taeyong whisper-shouted.

"It's five o'clock, that's why. Everyone is still sleeping Hyung. You could've picked a better time to clean," Jaemin answered in a low tone, trying not to wake anyone else up.

Taeyong sighed while folding his arms and leaning his weight on one leg. "The apartments a mess and I can't stand the look of it. Are you telling me you'd rather clean this up? 'cause if so, be my guest."

Jaemin walked over to the living room area, seeing Taeyong had already made it spick and span as well as half the hall. "What mess?"

"Exactly," Taeyong stated while making his way over to the outlet and plugging the vacuum back in. "Now let me finish cleaning up. I'm almost done anyway."

Sighing in defeat, Jaemin gave his Hyung a small nod while walking back over to his door, and entering the room quietly. As soon as he crawled back into the comfort of his bed the sound of the vacuum started up again. This time riling up the sleeping boy that was still cuddling onto the pillow Jaemin provided.

"Hmmgh," Renjun whined as he tossed and turned at the disrupting noise. Jaemin tried pulling the pillow away from Renjun's hold, but it just added to Renjun's whines. Stopping his actions, Jaemin decided he'd just wake the older up from his whining fit.

"Injunnie, wake up." Jaemin brought his hand up to Renjun's face, pushing away the strands of hair that covered the boy's eyes. Renjun slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the sudden headache he got from drinking last night.

"Shit," Renjun breathed, placing a hand over his head. He propped himself up on his elbow, taking in his surroundings. His eye's lading on Jaemin's who laid beside him while staring up at him. "Why am I in your room?"

Jaemin just smiled while taking the pillow that was in-between them, throwing it off the bed and pulling Renjun on top of him, shocking the boy. "Didn't you say you wanted to stay with Nana?" Jaemin questioned innocently, wrapping his arms around the older's waist, while Renjun held himself up with his forearm on Jaemin's chest.

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