『 Thirteen 』

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The mall. A war zone when it comes to the holidays, especially during Christmas when everyone does their last-minute shopping. Renjun being one them.

After having breakfast at Jisung's, Renjun went home to shower and change before heading over to the mall. Since Christmas eve's tomorrow and he hasn't bought any presents, he decided he'd go today. Unfortunately for him, Jaemin, Mark, and Jisung decided to go too. So there he was, hiding behind a tall plant in the mall, trying not to be seen by them.

'Fuck me.'

Renjun quickly ducked behind the pot, seeing as Jaemin began scanning his surroundings. He forgot Jaemin could possibly be hearing his thoughts amongst all these people in the mall.

People nearby looked at the suspicious boy weirdly. But Renjun would just nod his head and give them a small smile, which they'd give back, but would hurriedly rush off.


Feeling his soul leave from the sudden voice, Renjun closed his eyes shut, thinking he'd been caught. The person behind him grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. Patting a hand on his cheek.

"You know how suspicious you look right now?" Renjun opened one eye to peak at the owner of the familiar voice, seeing Jeno. "Seriously, What are you even doing?"

Renjun leaned his head back letting out a sigh of relief before tackling Jeno into a bear hug. "Thank god."

Jeno patted Renjun's head confused as to why the older was acting strange. "Is there something wrong?"

Renjun shook his head against Jeno's chest still holding on tightly to the younger. "I'm just so happy to see you right now."

"That's a first," Jeno chuckled, detaching the older from him. Which Renjun took as an opportunity to hide behind the younger. "Okay really... Are you not gonna tell me what's going on with you?"


"Yo! Jenojam!" A voice called out at a distance, echoing through the loud mall.

Jeno muttered curses under his breath at the nickname while Renjun laughed. Looking over Jeno's shoulder, he saw Jisung and the other two begin to walk in their direction, making him panic.

"Jeno. Let's run," Renjun quickly whispered to the other, who just gave him a look of confusion.

"What? Why? It's just Jisung, Jaemin, and their friend," Jeno clarified, not understanding the problem.

On his own account, Renjun grabbed Jeno by the collar of his coat, dragging him through the crowd of people to get away from the others. Coming upon a store that sold plushies and other things, Renjun pulled Jeno along with him to the back of the store, where he was sure the others wouldn't find them.

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