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Ben's P.O.V

He walked into the rented house that the party later tonight would be at. A few guys were already setting up. "Aye! Benny boy!" Devin yelled. "Wassup?"he said as they dapped each other up. "Shit bro, just setting up. There's gonna be some fine ass girls here tonight," he said. "How do you know? We have a guest list?".

"Nah, I just got a feeling". Devin and Ben both laugh. "It's wild of y'all to throw this party in Philly though. Keepin' it close to home," Ben smiles. "You 'bout to scope out the locals?" Devin asked. "I think I've seen all Philly has to offer. There ain't nothing out here for me". Someone called Devin's name from upstairs. "I'll be right back," he says. Devin heads up the stairs and Ben walks further through the house. It's a shame what's going to happen at this AIRBNB tonight. Ben walked onto the backyard and took in the sights. The backyard was huge with tiki lights placed around in the grass to provide light for tonight.

He walked further and noticed there were steps that led to a more secluded part of the backyard. He walked down the steps and noticed a tree with a swing attached. Behind it, there was a gazebo. He raised his eyebrow in amusement and then walked back up the steps and back into the house. He sat on the couch until the party was all set up. There were some early birds who came to try and get first dibs, but Ben wasn't at this party to try and find a girl to take home. He just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere with his bros. It was the off-season so this was his time to unwind.

A girl wearing a very short dress and high heels tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi," she smiled. "Hey," Ben responded dryly. "You want a little company?" she winked. "Maybe later". He got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. "You just get here bro?" he said to Lonzo Ball. "Yeah bro. Shit's kinda dead right now". Lonzo was drinking straight from a bottle of Patron. "Yeah. It should be up in an hour though. It's still early". Ben grabbed a cup from the counter and poured himself some Maker's Mark. "You choosing tonight?" Lonzo asked him. "Nah not tonight. Philly girls are kinda ran through and desperate". 

Lonzo let out a loud laugh. "I'm serious bro. You'll see what I'm talking about. I just had one come to me while I was in there," he pointed over towards the living room. "Ahh shit. This might work in my benefit then. I'm on the rebound so a quick fix is what I need," Lonzo laughed. More people walked through the door. Players were on the look out and girls were looking to get chosen. It was a perfect combination of horniness and desperation.

Ben was right. An hour later and the party was on. Girls were dancing, drinks were flowing, and Ben stood silently against the wall with his drink. He took a sip and nodded his head to rap music that was blaring over the speakers. As the night wore on and midnight neared, Ben was growing tired of seeing the same faces. He pushed his way through the crowd and walked onto the backyard. It was equally as full and there were girls in the pool. Two girls were making out on a lawn chair. He shook his head and looked around before walking down the steps.

He wanted to make sure no one spotted him so he could be completely alone down there. There was a soft fog in the air and it seemed as though the grass was much taller than he remembered. He saw a figure on the swing. Her shoulder length hair blowing as she went back and forth on the swing. She was wearing a long black maxi dress that showed a modest amount of cleavage. The wind blew her fragrance towards him. She smelled of hinoki wood, cedarwood, white musk, and amber. Clean, yet earthy. He looked down at her feet and she was wearing no shoes. The setting felt like a dream.

"I would like to be alone". Her voice was soft and tender. He had never heard anything like it. "Not gonna happen. I found this place first," Ben responded. Her bare feet stopped the swing and she swayed over to him. Her long black dress flowed around her lower body as she approached. She looked up and gazed into his eyes. Ben felt as though he was being hypnotized by her chocolate brown eyes. Her medium brown skinned glistened under the moonlight. "I was here first," she said. "I found this place when I came hours ago," Ben said looking down at her. She smiled at him and wrapped her hand around his arm. Her long, almond shaped acrylic nails made dents on his skin.

"I guess you win". She let go of his arm and grabbed her shoes that she had left in the grass. She walked past him and he yelled out, "Hey!". She didn't turn around to face him but she stopped. Ben walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "What's your name?" he asked her. 


She gently moved her shoulder forward so Ben was no longer touching her. He reached out to try and grab her hand but she ran up the stairs and presumably back into the party. An inferno ignited in Ben and he had to find this girl. He walked quickly back up the stairs and looked around. The party was still going and he saw a group of girls in bikinis talking to each other. He walked over to them. "Did you just see the girl in the black dress?" he asked them. "What girl?" the blonde asked. "A girl wearing a black dress would've walked past you. Did you see her?". 

The girls were weirded out by him. "We didn't see a girl". They tightened their group alerting to Ben that he should walk away. "Fuck," he murmured as he walked into the party. He walked up to another girl who was pouring herself a drink. "Can I ask you something?" he said to her. "Whatever you want baby," she said as she licked her lips. "A girl should've walked past this area. Black hair that hit her shoulders, long black dress, she was barefoot". The girl turned her face in intrigue at Ben. "I didn't see her, but we can have a little fun if that's what you're looking for". Ben rolled his eyes at her advances.

He frantically asked around the party to see if anyone knew her or had seen where she was going. He was becoming more impatient with each person who had seemingly not noticed this girl. Devin walked up to him as another girl walked away, visibly annoyed. "You off a pill or something bro? Girls are telling each other to stay away from you," he said. "No. I just need to find this girl I met. It was magic bro! Her voice was enchanting and she smelled amazing". Devin eyed him confusingly as he had never heard Ben describe a girl that way. "Get a drink refill and chill out bro. There's plenty of other girls here," he said. "Devin, I have to find this girl".

There was an unrest to Ben and Devin sensed it. "Chill out upstairs and I'll ask around. You get her name?" he asked. "She said her name was Padge". Devin scoffed. "Sounds like a fake name but I got you". Devin hit him on the arm and mingled his way back into the crowd. Ben poured himself another drink and headed upstairs. He found an empty bedroom and sat down on the bed. He didn't know why he did what he did, but finding her felt urgent. Like he needed to know who this girl was. He didn't want her to get swooped up by someone else. He was truly enamored by this strange girl.

About 45 minutes later, Devin opened the door. "There you are," he said as he opened the door wider. A girl walked in behind him and smiled. "I'm Ziggy," she said as she stuck out her hand. He shook it and looked over at Devin. "She knows that Padge girl. I'll let you two talk". Devin left the room and closed the door behind him. Ziggy sits down next to him and smiles again.

"It's cute that you want to find her, but it's best you just leave her alone," she said. "Why's that?" he asked. "My Padge is her own person. She lives in solitude and likes it that way. Just don't bother". Ben shook his head as he was not going to accept this. "If she likes solitude so much, why is she at this party?" he mused. "She was here because she likes to know what's going on. It wasn't her scene so she left". She stood up and pulled her dress down.

"It's like a spell isn't it?" a quaint smile fell on Ziggy's face. Ben looked at her up and down. "The way she draws you in and gets you hooked on her. She's always been that way. Something about her intoxicates a person and drives them crazy". She shakes her head and smiles. "Does she have an Instagram? Snapchat?". Ziggy nods as her smile fades. "She does but it would be wrong of me to give that to you". She walks towards the door and stops before she opens the door. She turns around and smiles like how a mother smiles at her child. It was warm, inviting, concerned. 

"Are you free tomorrow?" she asked him. "Yeah I am". She adjusted her posture as she debated whether or not she should do this. She knew it wouldn't hurt. "Meet me tomorrow at Menagerie Coffee on 3rd. 10:45. I'll tell you all about her. From there you can make your own opinion of her". She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Ben put his head in his hands as he slowly returned to his original demeanor and laughed as he wondered what the fuck just happened.

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