Name on a Matchbook

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben was on a vacation with Devin Booker and D'Angelo Russell. Accompanying them were some Instagram "models" for pleasure. "Benny boy!" Devin said as he walked into the villa. "What's up bro?" he asked. "I left DLo and the girls at the beach to do some jet skiing. I wasn't interested so I came back," he said as he walked over the fridge. He grabbed a cup of freshly squeezed guava juice that was leftover from the morning's breakfast and sat down at the table with Ben. "Man you haven't even touched none of these fine ass girls since we been out here," Devin said.

"They're just not doing it for me right now," Ben said as he scrolled on his phone. D'Angelo walked in. "Nigga! I was screaming for you to stop so we could walk together," he said as he sat down at the table with them. "You left them alone?" Devin asked. "Yeah. Let them hoes do that shit. I'm not feeling it right now". The two of them laughed and then Devin drank some of the juice. "You been into that phone this whole trip," D'Angelo said as he play snatched it from Ben's hand. "C'mon bro," Ben sighed. "Who you looking up?" D'Angelo said as he scrolled through. "An oil tycoon? What's this about?" D'Angelo asked.

Ben snatched his phone back from D'Angelo and turned to Devin. "So remember the girl I was looking for at the party?" Ben said to him. "Yeah, vaguely," he said. "We've been talking," he said. Devin and D'Angelo 'ahh-ed' together. "So that's why you been keeping to yourself," Devin said. "You dating this girl or something?" D'Angelo asked. "Nah. We've fucked a few times but that's about it. She doesn't want anything serious," he mocked. "I like chicks like that," Devin grinned. "But what that girl gotta do with an oil tycoon?" D'Angelo asked.

"When I went to her place there was some mail on her counter. I was curious about who had sent it to her so I searched the name". Devin and D'Angelo looked at him. "You went through her mail?" D'Angelo asked. "No. It was just sitting there and I got a glimpse of it". The two of them raised their eyebrows and nodded like they didn't believe him. "The guy who sent it is the son of this oil tycoon. He's worth like two billion dollars". Devin and D'Angelo were just as confused as he was. "Are you sure you saw the right name?" Devin asked. "No doubting what I saw. When I searched dude's name, this is all that came up".

Ben turned the phone to them and showed them article after article of his business dealings and how he will inherit the business once his father dies. "So mystery chick has a billionaire sending her mail?" Devin asked. "That's not the only weird shit about her. She refuses to tell me about her past. Whenever I ask she gets annoyed. She did tell me to stop asking but most people will give you basic shit about them". Devin held out his hand for the phone. "Let me see a picture of dude," he said as Ben handed it over. "She also has a house in a nice neighborhood fully paid for," he said. "What kind of job she got?" D'Angelo asked. "I don't know. She won't tell me".

"Fuck you messing with her for then? That bitch sound weird," D'Angelo said. "Like she got something to hide. You can't even tell a nigga what you do for work? Weird ass," Devin said as he scrolled through Google Images. "The last time I went to her place I saw a degree that was hung up in her living room. It was for secondary teaching". Devin looked up from the phone. "So you think she's a teacher?" Devin asked. "I guess, but I don't think so. That still wouldn't explain how she bought that house. Teachers don't make a lot of money". Devin sat the phone down on the table.

"So this is the guy?" he asked. The picture was of a white man with a full beard, salt and pepper hair, green eyes, and thin but large nose almost resembling a beak. "That's him," Ben answered. D'Angelo takes the phone and looks in disgust. "This dude is in his forties," he said. "Let's see a picture of her," Devin said. D'Angelo handed Ben his phone back and he pulled up a photo of her from Instagram. He showed the guys. "Oh damn, she's cute," D'Angelo said. Devin gave a thumbs up in approval.

"Personally, and don't take offense to this, she might be an escort," Devin said. "That would make sense. Won't talk about her past, gets mail from a billionaire, and has a fully paid for house. Sounds like an escort," D'Angelo agreed. "She's pretty enough to be an escort," Devin said. "I don't think you have to be pretty to be an escort," D'Angelo said back to him. "That's enough. I don't think she's an escort. No! I know she's not an escort". 

"What about that girl that knew her that night? You think she might tell you what she does? Any chance you can talk to her?" Devin asked. "Let me message her on Instagram". Ben sent her a quick message. Knowing that Ziggy wouldn't be forthcoming with this information, he had to make Ziggy think this was something he already knew.

Ziggy, where does Rhys work again? I want to surprise her with something

"What does the friend look like?" D'Angelo asked. He pulls up a bikini pic of her and shows it to him. "She fine as hell. She single?" he laughed. "Let me add her right quick," he said. He pulled out his phone and followed her on Instagram. "Ziggy Tackitt. That's an interesting name," D'Angelo says as he puts his phone on the table. "Oh! What's the mystery girls name?" Devin asks. "Rhys Padgett". He turns his face up. "How does she spell Rhys? I've seen it spelled different ways," Devin acknowledges. "R-H-Y-S," Ben spells out.

"That's how a dude spells Rhys. You sure that's not a fake name? Rhys has a man name and then her friend Ziggy, who also has a man's name". The three of them sat back and thought about what Devin just said. "That was the name on the degree," Ben said. "But you don't know Ziggy's real name?" D'Angelo asked. "I think it is her real name," he says.

Lol you're mistaken. Padge doesn't work. She volunteers at the Animal Welfare Society

"What did she say?" Devin asked. "Rhys doesn't have a job". Devin and D'Angelo were now invested in the mystery that was Rhys Padgett. "Hate to break it to you bro," D'Angelo said as he put his hand on Ben's shoulder. "You're in love with an escort". Devin and D'Angelo cackled as Ben rolled his eyes. He didn't think that she was one, but she has no source of income and seemed to be living comfortably. "Quit that shit. I don't love her," Ben said. He was right. He liked her a lot, but couldn't love someone he knew nothing about."Well to take your mind off of Rhys the escort, just fuck one of the girls here. That's what they're here for". With that said, Devin got up from the table.

Later that night, Ben took Devin's advice and slept with one of the Instagram "models".

Rhys' P.O.V

There was a knock at the back door and Rhys went to answer it. Only one person came through the back and that was, "Zig," she said as she opened the door to let her in. "Oh you don't sound so excited to see me," she said. Ziggy placed a plastic bag on the counter. "That's the stuff you asked for," she said. "You're a doll. What would I do without you?" Rhys joked. "I think you would die," Ziggy said as she sat on the kitchen island, her usual spot. 

Rhys handed her the letter she got from Mrs. Mixon a few days ago. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Rhys said. "See? He does still care," Ziggy said with a smile as she took the envelope. "Just read the letter". Ziggy sat in silence as she read the letter. She frowned as she sat it to the side. "Well he has always had nice penmanship. That's the only compliment I can give," she said. Rhys took the letter back and stuck it in a drawer that was filled with other letters. "He might as well not even had said anything. I think no acknowledgement of what happened would've been better than that," Rhys said.

"Rhys baby," Ziggy pouted. "I'm sorry you had to read that". She slid off the counter and hugged Rhys. "It's fine. I don't really know what I was expecting". She wiped away a tear. "I think him apologizing for being absent from your life would be a great start," Ziggy said. "I won't hold my breath for something I know isn't coming," Rhys sighed. "Well I at least hope you're stashing a lot of the cash he gives you. In case he cuts you off," Ziggy said. She went back and sat on the kitchen island. "Of course. I have no use for all the money he sends".

"Well it's a good thing you asked for ice cream because that's just what you need right about now," Ziggy smiled. "I'll find a movie and you grab the ice cream and spoons," Rhys said before she walked into the living room.

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