Two Way Street

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Rhys' P.O.V

Rhys walked back into the room with two drinks in her hand. "Look at this!" she said to Ben as he walked back into the villa. "They have fresh squeezed juices in town. I got myself an orange juice," she said as she sat them down on the counter. "And for you," Rhys said as she handed him a red drink. "It's a veggie cocktail," she says with a smile. "Shouldn't it be green then?" he asked as he observed it. "The beets made it red," she says before taking a sip of her drink. "Next time you go into town, take me with you. We're in another country and I don't want anything to happen to you," Ben says with concern.

"You shouldn't worry. We're in the safest part of Greece I think. It's a big tourist destination and if anything were to happen to me, the local authorities would be all over it". Ben raised an eyebrow. "You're a Black woman in Santorini". Rhys sighed as she took another sip of her drink. She knew what Ben was implying but hated his level of concern. She had been on her own since she was a teen. She knew how to protect herself if anything were to happen. Rhys had been in dangerous situations that Ben knew nothing about and had gotten out in one piece. She's a capable woman who didn't need to be lectured.

"Benjamin. I'm the ex-wife of a billionaire and I'm currently dating an NBA player. They'll be overwhelmed with the amount of publicity that would come from anything happening to me". She grinned and took another drink of orange juice. Ben leaned back on the counter and folded his arms. "I have a question for you," he said. With the straw still in her mouth, she looked over at Ben. "You think he would do anything for you if something were to happen?". Rhys sat the drink down and stood in front of Ben. She caressed his cheek and smiled gently at him. "I think he would. In his own twisted way, Edward did care for me. So while we don't talk, I think he would come if I ever needed help. Not like I want it anyway".

Ben pursed his lips and nodded. Rhys could sense a change within him and gazed into his eyes. "Do you miss your son?" he asked. Her lip twitched and she looked away. It was a conversation that she expected to come, just not while they were on vacation. She dropped her arm to her side. "I miss him all the time. He was the most perfect little boy". Rhys walks over the lounge chair and sits down and Ben sits down next to her on a love seat. 

"I thought it was over you know? All the struggling and bullshit I had been through. I was married and was looking forward to becoming a mother. I was overjoyed. I just knew the second I went into labor that it was all over. When my little Harrison was born, the room was so quiet. No one said a word and he didn't cry. I was silent the whole time while they tried to revive him. They let me hold him and his face was so gray and his features were so soft. He was just so small. And just like that," she snapped her fingers, "It started again".

Ben pulled her into his chest. "I just wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to be the perfect wife with the perfect son and my perfect husband and our perfect life. But then it hit me. I'm a former drug addict, my son is dead, my husband treats me like shit, and my life had been in a tailspin since my grandparents died". Ben stroked her hair. "I could give you that. I could give you the child you want". Rhys pulled away and narrowed her eyes at him as a look of disgust fell on her face. "I don't even know what to say to you right now". She looked away and shook her head. 

She stood up from the chair and walked towards the bedroom. "I need to lie down for a bit". Rhys closed the door and locked it so Ben wouldn't come in.

Ben's P.O.V

Rhys had been closed up in the bedroom for hours now. Ben had walked into town and gotten himself another one of those fresh squeezed juices and was now relaxing in the villa. Ben looked over at the door as he heard it unlock. Rhys slowly walked out. Her eyes were red and her hair disheveled. "Let's put our feet in the water," she said as she walked out of the villa. Ben quickly followed her out where she was sitting by the small pool. He sat down next to her and watched the small ripples form and then disappear around his legs.

Rhys looked out at the beautiful blue Grecian waters with a solemn look on her face. "I need you to clarify what you meant earlier". Ben looked over at Rhys. Her voice was soft and careful. "I want to give you that perfect life. I want to give you the chance to see that things can be perfect for you". Rhys put her hand in the water and wiggled her fingers. "You want a child to make you feel complete and I can help with that". Rhys sighed and looked as though she was going to cry. "I'm not looking to replace my son," she said. "Nothing is going to bring him back and I wouldn't dare have another child to make up for what I lost".

"Rhys that's not what I meant. I'm not trying to replace your son. I'm just saying that when you're ready, I want to give that perfect life to you. I can tell it's something you really wanted and I'm sure about you". Rhys looked over at him, slightly amused. Her expression softened her face and Ben smirked at the sight. "How can you be so sure? We've only been dating for two months". Ben nodded in agreement and chuckled. "But we have known each other for over a year now. A year of me pursuing you and you reluctantly reciprocating". 

"How could I forget," she laughed. "A year of you wearing me down". Ben laughed along with her. "Is that how you see it?" he asked. "Not at all. I'm only joking". He kisses her on the cheek and looks into her eyes. "The night I met you, it was like something out of a dream," Ben said. "Your long black dress and the fog. Which was weird because it was only foggy by the gazebo. But your face paired with that and the night illuminating that hideaway. How would you describe it?" he asked her. 

"Ethereal," Rhys smiled. "How about we make a deal?" she says to him. "I'm listening". Rhys scooted closer to Ben and put her head on his arm. "In fifteen years, let's meet back up there. Doesn't matter if we're still together or not, let's just do it". Ben let the idea linger for a bit. "We go there the exact same day we met and see how life turns out for us. Maybe see if you get that same feeling".

"You've got a deal".

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