Play It Right

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Ben's P.O.V

Ziggy had messaged Ben a few days ago asking if they could meet up and talk. He wasn't completely sure why she wanted to do that, but agreed anyway. She asked him to come over to her place and that's where he was headed. He parked his car and walked up to her building. He rang the code for Tackitt, Z. She buzzed him in and he went up to her floor. He walked into her apartment and noticed the dog sitting next to the door. "He's kinda lazy today huh?" he asked as he walked over to the couch. "Yeah. Uriel's been feeling a little under the weather so he's just taking it easy". She closed the door and walked into the kitchen where she finished preparing herself a cup of hot water with honey and lemon. "Want some?" she asked him. Ben shook his head, "No I'm good".

She grabbed the mug and walked into the living room. She sat in the chair she usually sat in and sipped on the drink. "I invited you over to really see what you're really about," she says as she sits the mug next to her on the end table. "Padge is someone I really care about and since she's decided that she wants to give it a go with you, I need to see what you're about". Ben chuckled to himself because he found this to be very funny, though he understood Ziggy's concern. She and Rhys had been through tough times together and she just wanted to make sure he wasn't going to bring unnecessary drama into her life.

"She told me that you know about what we went through and that's big for her. She doesn't tell anyone about that". Ben nodded. "It's pretty heavy stuff. I'm sorry you guys went through that," he said. She waves her hand to dismiss his sympathy. "None of that matters now. I mean, we carry it with us everyday, but look where we are," she gleamed as motioned around the room. "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of drugs were you guys on?" he asked. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Does it matter? Either way we were two strung out street kids". Ben nodded knowing her overstepped. "That's my bad. I apologize".

"You're curious, I get that. When you find out stuff like that about a person, you feel like you need to know". She took a drink of the water and cleared her throat. "Let's just say it was a cocktail of drugs. We were totally hooked". She sat in the chair for a moment with a blank look on her face and Ben just observed her. She blinked rapidly and looked up at Ben. "But everybody has a past, it's what you do to better your circumstances to make a better life for yourself". She drank more of the water and rubbed her knee. "She won't tell you this," Ziggy said as she sat the mug back down, "But I'm the reason she got tangled up in all that shit".

He felt like she needed to vent, so Ben didn't stop her from talking. "Which is why I feel like I owe her. I convinced her to marry that guy so we could keep getting the money. It was my own greed that destroyed my only friend. She's a better person now but I can't help but feel guilty. I love her deeply and I know she feels the same, but guilt can never be erased". She stared out the window and then smiled. "These things can't be changed and it's not good to dwell," she said before she drank out of the mug again. "But back to you Benny boy," she exclaimed.

The two of them talked for about an hour and a half before Ben had somewhere to be. "I just have one question for you," he said. "What is it?" she asked. "Is Ziggy your real name?" he asked. She laughed. "It wasn't, but it is now". Ben got up and she did the same. "So what was your name?" he asked. She pursed her lips and looked away from him. "You only need to know me as Ziggy".


"I want to show you something," Rhys said to Ben. She got up from the table and they walked out back. She pointed to the brand new Range Rover parked by her garage. "Who's car is that?" he asked. She slapped him on the arm. "It's mine!" she gleamed. Ben turned to her with with a wide smile. "So you finally broke down and got a car huh?" he said. The two of them walked down the steps so he could get a better view. "I did. Walking has been great but it's time to move on. Plus, ordering Uber's is going to eat away at my pocket". Ben scoffed. "I don't think Uber's will bankrupt you with all the money you've got," he teased.

"Oh stop," she said as she unlocked the car doors. Ben got in the passengers seat and adjusted the seat. "What do you say we take her for a spin," he laughed. Rhys got into the car and buckled in. She started it and connected her phone so she could play her music. As she drove off, Ben was impressed at how well she drove. "So Zig's old car used to be the car for the house. We would both drive it but then when she moved, I let her take it with her and I just walked everywhere". She turned onto the main road. "When she got a new one, she insisted I come with and get one for myself. Now I did go, but I obviously didn't get one".

Since that night at his apartment when she came to apologize, he had seen a new side to Rhys. The demureness was just a front. She was caring, sensitive, knowledgeable, and to Ben's surprise, quite bubbly. She was someone who wanted to explore the world and absorb every bit of knowledge she could. She was also insanely talented when it came to putting together an outfit. It seemed like a small thing, but she seemed to have an understanding of what flatters different body types and that's not a gift many possess.

"Well you have one now and it's pretty damn nice," Ben remarks. She smiled as she continued to drive. "I've been thinking lately what I want to do with myself. I have an unfathomable amount of money at my disposal, but I want to do something with myself. I don't want to be known as the ex-wife of a billionaire and girlfriend of a basketball player". Ben raised his eyebrow at her use of the word girlfriend. They had yet to make things official, but now he could finally see where her mind was at, even if it was just a slip of the tongue.

"Become a stylist," Ben said. "I don't know if I could do that. How would I even get started?" she said. "You probably don't want to but like you said, you're the ex-wife of a billionaire. That's how you get started. Your name alone will bring in clients". Rhys reluctantly agreed. "I'll need a few people to experiment on so I can build a portfolio," she said. "Start local. Your neighbors and maybe even Ziggy. They're all in different age ranges so it'll show you can dress any age". She scoffed and half-smiled. "You have an answer for everything," she jokes. "Your hesitance is a match for my persistence," Ben says as nods to the music.

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