She Won't Go Away

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben looked over his Instagram messages. When she was responsive Rhys would take hours, if not days, to reply to him. He felt something for her and was interested in seeing where it went, but her lack of communication was a real turn off to him. He was also itching to get in her pants but she was making that even harder. He had a hard time admitting it, but however far he got with her, the kiss sent him back by twenty steps. To Ben, her distance was indicative of her pushing him away. Whatever access he had been granted was slowly being taken away.

"You gotta focus bro!" Tobias Harris yelled at him. Ben snapped back into reality and noticed the ball that had bounced past his feet. "Shit my bad," he said as he shook his head. The trainer bounced another ball his way and Ben made a basket. Everyone on the room could sense that his game was off. "How about we take a short break?" the trainer said. "I think that's a good idea," Al Horford said looking annoyingly at Ben. Ben walked over to the bleachers and drank some water. Tobias came and sat next to him.

"What's up with you dude? You're out of it today," he said. "I don't know man. I haven't been able to focus on anything for days now," Ben exhausted. Tobias wiped sweat off his forehead with the towel that was on his shoulder. "Whatever it is bro, you gotta get it together. You got a lot to prove this season. You can't be bullshitting". Ben drank some more water. "Can I ask for your advice about something?" he asked. Tobias looked at him out the corner of his eye. "Go ahead".

"I met this girl at a party and I haven't been able to get my mind off of her since," Ben said. "When was the party?" Tobias asked. "'Bout a month and half ago," Ben replied. "And that's the only place you saw her?" Tobias asked in disbelief. "Nah. We met up the next day and then a week later we went for dinner. I went to her place a few weeks after to see what was up but ever since then, she's been kind of distant". Ben wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Sounds to me like she's giving you the cold shoulder. Move on," Tobias said.

"But," Tobias said. "If you really like her, just ask her what's up. If it's something you want seriously, you have to show her that". Ben nodded as he took in what Tobias said. He wasn't sure what more he could do to show Rhys that he was worth it, but he needed to figure it out.

Rhys' P.O.V

"Have you changed your mind about getting a car?" Ziggy asked as she sat on the kitchen island. "I'm not getting one! I don't need it," Rhys said as she cut up a carrot. "You can't walk everywhere. You're going to mess your joints up like that". Ziggy swung her legs as they were dangling from where she was sitting. "And it's not like you can't afford one either. You could buy this whole neighborhood if you wanted," Ziggy smiled widely. "Be that as it may, I'm fine without a car. I stay at this weight because I walk everywhere. It also allows me to see the neighborhood changes. There's just a lot of benefits to me being on foot as opposed to driving".

"Whatever you say Mrs. Moneybags," Ziggy jokes. "Oh stop it," Rhys says as she waved her hand to dismiss her. Rhys dumped the carrot slices into a roasting pan that contained a pot roast and sliced potatoes. She grabbed two family size cans of mushroom soup off the counter and poured it over the meat and vegetables. Rhys covered the meal and placed it in the oven. "I was talking to Nichelle the other day and she had mentioned how she hadn't seen you since Kevin's party three months ago. She said you also aren't answering her phone calls," Ziggy pointed out.

"You know I'm not a very social person. I barely know Nichelle and it seems as though she has yet to figure this out about me. I don't believe in being available all the time. I belong to me first and everyone else comes second". Rhys pulled a letter from a drawer in the kitchen and handed it to Ziggy. "I'll relay that message to her but Nichelle is quite needy. Who knows if she'll actually get it through that self-absorbed brain of hers". They both laugh as Ziggy opens the white envelope and pulls out the check she got monthly from Rhys.

"Woah," she smiles. "This is bigger than it usually is," Ziggy gleams. "What can I say? I was feeling generous this month," she smiles. Rhys walks over to the dining room table and sits down facing Ziggy. "Has he sent any letters?" she asked. "Not since January," Rhys sighed. "Does he know about your accident?" she asked. "Of course he does. He seems to know everything that goes on in my life. He just can't be bothered to actually come and check on me". Ziggy hopped off the counter and hugged her.

"Well you always have me," Ziggy smiled. "And these fat checks he sends every month!" Ziggy laughs. Rhys' phone vibrates on the table and she opens the notification.

I'll be at your place in two hours. We need to talk

"Who's that?" Ziggy asks. "Benjamin," she says as she locks the phone and sits it back down. "Are you still testing the waters with him?" she asked. "Ehh," Rhys says with a corresponding hand motion. "Sometimes I'm into him, sometimes I'm not. Either way, he won't leave me alone," she grins. "Sometimes I think you really enjoy leading these men on. Bad girl!" she mocks. Rhys sticks her tongue out and shrugs. "It gives me some joy," she smiles.

"He might be a good one. After that little heated conversation we had in my apartment, I think he's somewhat serious about getting to know you," Ziggy said. "He might even want to date you. That's just my perception of the situation though". Rhys sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well we both know that I can't give him a proper commitment so being exclusive with him is off the table". Ziggy mocked her with a yapping hand motion. "Hooking up with guys has got to be tiring. It's about time you found you someone who can properly commit. Something stable. It's what I want for you".

"With that being said, it's time you skedaddle. I don't want you two running into each other," Rhys said as she stood up from the chair. "He's coming over?" Ziggy asked, attempting to sit back on the island. "Yes he is," she said as she play pushed her off. The two of them left out the kitchen door and Ziggy walked down the steps to her car that was parked in front of Rhys' garage out back. Rhys waved goodbye as Ziggy drove off.

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