Holy Ghost

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben sat in his car as he waited outside the practice facility. He had just left from a scrimmage and was taking time to decide his next move. There was a knock on the window and he rolled it down. "Deep in thought?" Tobias asked. "Just thinking about what to do," he said as he tapped the top of the steering wheel. "You not going to your girls place?" he asked. "Not today". Tobias raised an eyebrow at Ben. He could sense he was in low spirits. "How about we go and get something to eat and talk?" he suggested. Ben looked over at him and nodded. "I can do that. Get in". Tobias got into the passenger seat and buckled in. 

Ben drove to the local burger place and the two of them walked in. They sat down with their food and ate. "So what's up with you? It's like your head is always somewhere else". Ben chewed on a french fry as he looked at Tobias. "Everything with Rhys is good. It's finally where I want it to be. But she keeps taking these trips out to Chestnut Hill. She's been going almost everyday for a week". Tobias looks and nods slowly. "And that's a problem?". Ben nods like it was obvious. "She doesn't tell me what she does in Chestnut Hill". Tobias nods as he now saw the problem. "Have you asked what she does out there?".

"She says she's visiting an old friend". Tobias drinks some of his soda. "Sounds to me like you don't believe her". Ben sat back in the booth and licked his lips. "I trust her, but it would put my mind at ease to know just what she was doing". Tobias thought to himself. "Follow her," he smirked. "You clearly don't trust her so your next option is to follow her. It's childish and stalker behavior but sometimes it needs to be done". Ben was reluctant to do that. It would be risky and he was scared to see what he would find. "You know what? I'm bored and ready for an adventure. Call her up," Tobias says.

"I'm not doing that," Ben said. "Bro, when was the last time you got into some shenanigans? Let's just do this". Ben pointed to the door letting Tobias know he was down, but they should leave the restaurant. They cleared the table and got back into Ben's car. "Put it on speaker. I've never heard her voice". Ben rolled his eyes as he dialed Rhys' number and put it on speaker.

"Hello Benjamin"
"Hey. You gonna be home today?"
"I'm going to Chestnut Hill in a few minutes. You can stop by later"
"Nah that's alright. I'll come by tomorrow morning"
"Whatever works for you. You know I'm always home"
"Let me call you later. Love you"
"I love you too"

Ben ends the call and Tobias just looks at him. "She calls you Benjamin?" he laughs. "Yes she does. She's very formal". He nods as Ben pulls off. "She has a cute voice though". Ben didn't go in the direction of the practice facility. "Uhh where are we going?" Tobias asked. "We're about to get into some shenanigans".

Ben parked his car on the street to get a view of Rhys' car. "I like that you're bringing me along. I like feeling included," Tobias joked as Ben kept look out on the car. "This Chestnut Hill shit is just bothering me and I have to know what's going on". Ben and Tobias looked as Rhys got into her Range Rover and pulled off. They followed from behind at a safe distance. "So what's the game plan here?" Tobias asked. "I'm not sure". They followed her to the Wymore Estate in Chestnut Hill. He waited until she walked into the home to pull into the driveway.

"This is wild. Who does she know with money like this?" Tobias says as he looks at the large home. "I think I know who". The thought that she was secretly seeing Edward had been running through his mind, but he didn't think she actually would. Ben got out the car and slammed his door shut. Tobias got out, "We're going in?" he questioned. "I'm going in. You can come if you want". Tobias hesitated and then reluctantly followed Ben to the door. He knocked on the door and an older Hispanic woman opened it. "May I help you?" she asked. Ben shuddered and then got hold of himself. 

"I need to talk to Rhys," he said. She hesitated and then allowed them in. "Damn. This place is nice," Tobias said as they stood in the foyer. "Where is she?" he asked the woman. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves first?" she suggested. "I'm Ben, he's Tobias," he said pointing at himself and then to Tobias. "Esmeralda," she smiled. "Rhys is upstairs in the room at the end of the hallway". Ben clenched his jaw and nodded. "I'm gonna stay down here," Tobias said. "Let me get you a refreshment," Esmeralda said as she led Tobias to the kitchen. Ben walked upstairs and saw there was a staircase leading to a third floor. 

He walked up to the closed door and put his hand on the doorknob. He took a deep breath as he was nervous what would be behind the door. He twisted the knob and opened the door. Rhys was sitting next to the bed holding the hand of a very obviously sick elderly man. "So you decided to come inside?" she asked angrily. "Wait what?" Ben asked. "I saw you following me Benjamin!" she screeched. "I don't appreciate that". Ben, still confused about the scene in front of him, now had to deal with an angry Rhys. "Why are you here son?". Ben recognized the man as George Wymore, the father of Rhys' ex-husband.

Ben stuttered to get the words out. "Sit down," George commanded. His voice deep, yet frail. Ben sat down next to Rhys and she looked at him before turning back to George. "I'll do the talking," he said. "I have Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I have less than two weeks to live. One of my wishes was to be around the daughter I never had. You shouldn't have a problem with that". Ben bowed his head in embarrassment. "If you weren't happy with the answer I provided, you could've probed a little further," Rhys said to him.

"I'll admit this was a mistake. I should go". Ben gets up to leave but Rhys grabs his hand. He sits back down. "Son, she's a good one. You don't have to worry. Insecurity doesn't look good on anyone". George started to cough and Rhys grabbed a cup of water with a straw in it. He sipped on the water and she sat it back down. Tobias walked in and said, "The housekeeper made tortas". He was carrying a plate with a sandwich on it. "You brought Tobias into this?" she asked. "It was his idea," Ben murmured. Rhys sighed and shook her head. "Should I go back downstairs?" he asks. Rhys nodded and he left the room.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow. Right now I'd like to focus on George". 

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