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Rhys' P.O.V

Rhys was sitting in her living with Mrs. Mixon watching the news. "It's so sad what this world is coming to. All of this crime," Mrs. Mixon sighs. "There was probably a lot of crime back in your day," Rhys smiles. "Seemed like small things. A robbery here and there. Maybe a domestic issue. Crime used to stay in one area, now it's everywhere". She takes a sip of the Darjeeling tea that Rhys had made for them earlier. "There was a murder in the house next to Leslie's in '87," Rhys pointed out. "I did not come into this neighborhood until '89. What happened before I moved here is irrelevant to me". The two women laughed and looked back at the news.

Mrs. Mixon flipped through People Magazine as Rhys was in the kitchen feeding her cats. The doorbell rang and she sat the bag of cat food on the kitchen island. She opens the door and the mailwoman is there. "Well what's this?" Rhys asks with a smile. She was carrying a small box. "I need you to sign for it Ms. Padgett". She hands a pad over to Rhys and she signs. Mrs. Mixon walks to the door with the magazine in her hand. "I should get going. My husband's nurse should be gone by now and I need to start prepping dinner". They hug goodbye and Rhys closes the door. She sits the box on the counter and finds a box cutter to open it.

She pulled out a photo book and observed it. She flipped it open and was taken aback by the pictures inside. She flipped through old photos of her family , pics from her early days with Ziggy, and pictures from her wedding and life with Edward. She closes the book and wonders if this was a weird and unexpected gift from Ziggy. She looked at the name on the sender's address. E.D. Wymore.

She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. She looks into the box and sees a blank envelope. Rhys pulls it out and takes the letter inside of it out. She recognized the handwriting as Edward's. As possessive as he was, she knew she would hear from him again. 

My Dearest Rhys,
We are nearing the one year anniversary of our divorce being finalized. I have yet to hear from you so I will assume you are satisfied with the amount of money you received. I do hope all is well with you. I want to give you an update on what's occurring on this side of the world. My father is in poor health and nearing death. For whatever reason, I was informed that you are set to inherit a portion of his estate. He has asked to see you before his demise and it would please both him and I if you could visit him. He is at the Estate so you are free to go anytime. Please inform Esmeralda before your arrival. I am sure she will remember you. It is at your discretion if you wish to write back.
Fond Regards,
Edward Dorsett Wymore

Rhys stood still with the letter in her hand. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Hello?" the voice answered. "Hey Zig. Do you want to head out to Chestnut Hill for a bit?".


Rhys pulled into the sprawling driveway and the two girls got out of the car. "It's not as big as I remember," Ziggy says as they look the large home. "Well we were two street kids living in a drug house in North Philly. Anything was big to us," Rhys said. The two of them walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. A minute passed before Esmeralda, the housekeeper, answered the door. "Ay dios mio!" she exclaimed. Esmeralda pulled the two girls in for a long hug. "You two are so beautiful! It's been too long!". She pulls back and lets the girls inside. "When you called and said the two of you were coming, I started preparing your favorite meal from when you lived here".

Esmeralda escorted them into kitchen where there was a table for eating, separate from the formal dining room. On the table was enchiladas and Spanish rice with agua de Jamaica. "How did you know I was hungry?" Ziggy gleamed as she looked at the food. "You girls were always hungry. Stomachs like a bottomless pit". The three of them sit at the table and began eating. "Well catch me up. You guys left so many years ago I know many great things have happened for you two". Ziggy was devouring her drinking and downing the Jamaica. 

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