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Rhys' P.O.V

Rhys perused through the clothing racks as she looked for a top to replace one that recently ripped. She was very frugal and only went shopping when absolutely necessary. She felt herself overheat in her winter coat and unzipped it. The cold January air outside was a killer, so she had Ziggy drive her to the mall. She picked up an Oasis blouse with yolk lace in green. "This will have to do," she mumbled to herself. She purchased the blouse and found Ziggy still browsing the shoe section. "You're done already?" she asked as Rhys walked up to her. "It hasn't even been twenty minutes," Ziggy said as she looked at a pair of pumps.

"I don't like to spend a lot of time in stores," Rhys says, tightening her grip on the bag. "Do you want to wait or should I just come back another time?" she asks. "I'll wait. It makes no sense for you to make another trip". Rhys sat in the chair in the shoe department and waited for Ziggy to find something. She would occasionally ask for Rhys' opinion on a pair. She finally settled on two pairs of pumps and the two of them left the store. The cold winter air hit their faces and they hurried into Ziggy's car. "That was a successful shopping trip," Rhys said. "I mean like, I wanted to look at way more stuff but I was being considerate," Ziggy grinned.

"Well thanks for thinking of me". The two of them waited for the car to heat up and then Ziggy pulled off. "Did you want me to drop you off at home?" she asked. "No, we can go back to your place". Ziggy huffed as she drove her car through the freshly salted street. "I'm not letting you walk home in the snow," she said. "I won't be going home," Rhys said. Ziggy made a noise of intrigue. "And where are you going young lady?" she joked. "Benjamin's place". Ziggy turned to her with an excited expression and then looked back at the road. "Well let me drive you to Ben's place then," she said mostly because she wanted to see where he lived.

"No. I would rather walk. I don't even think it's that far from your place, and if it is, whatever. Won't be the first time I've walked somewhere far". Ziggy rolled her eyes. She really did enjoy Ben and his persistence and wanted the chance to get to know him, but whenever Rhys was in the room, she found it difficult. She pulled into the garage of her apartment building and they went up to Ziggy's apartment. Uriel greeted the two of them at the door and Ziggy pushed him further into the house with her knees. She sat her shoes in her room and then came out to Rhys unzipping her coat on the couch.

"Are you going to be here long? Want something to drink?" she asks. "No thanks. I'll be leaving in a few".

Ben Simmons
Got the hot chocolate like you asked

Cool. I'll be there soon.

"I was thinking that in February we take a trip," Ziggy said as she put the full tea kettle on the back burner. "Where to?" she asked. "Somewhere warm. I need to get away from this shit," she says as she gestures to the snow that was falling outside. "That's less than a month from now. Can we even get somewhere nice on such short notice?" Rhys asked. "It's worth a look," she shrugs. "I was thinking like the 14th or 15th". Rhys frowned as Ziggy grabbed a mug from the cabinet. "I'll be out of town," she said. Ziggy's head whipped over and looked at Rhys. "Where are you going?" she screeched. 

"Ben invited me to go to All-Star Weekend with him". Ziggy poked her tongue out as she grabbed honey from the other side of the counter. "Where is that this year?" she asked. "Chicago". Ziggy turned her face in disgust. "Leaving one cold place to go to another? That sucks". Rhys chuckled as she stood up from the couch. "We can go when I get back. You know my schedule is always open," she smiles. Rhys zips her coat up and covers her hair with her scarf. Ziggy walks out the kitchen. "I guess we can go then," she fake groans. They hug and Rhys walks out of the building and into the cold. As she walked towards Ben's place, she listened to the sound of the snow crunching under her boots and looked in awe at the snowflakes that landed on loose strands of her hair.

Ben's P.O.V

Ben heard a knock on his door and got off the couch to answer it. When he opened the door, Rhys was standing there with snow still in her hair and looking quite cold. "Did you walk?" he asked as she came in. "Yeah I did. I wanted to check out the neighborhood," she said as she took her boots off. "I could've picked you up," he said as he saw the bag in her hand. "You walked from the mall?" he gasped. She chuckled as she removed the scarf and unzipped her coat. "I went to the mall with Zig and walked from her house," she said. Rhys handed her coat and scarf to Ben and he put it in the coat closet.

"That's still kind of a trek," he said as Rhys walked into his kitchen and looked around. She noticed the bag on his counter and took out the canister. "How long did it take you to find this?" she asked, switching the subject. "No store in the area sold this stuff so I had to order it," he said as he joined her in the kitchen. It was a 22 oz. can of Jacques Torres classic hot chocolate. The best hot chocolate money could buy. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk. "Can you get me a pot to cook this in?" she asked him. Ben nodded as he grabbed a small pot.

"I really am thinking of getting you a car," he says as he sits the pot on the stove. "Oh don't you do that," she said as she opened the half gallon container of milk. "I can't possibly accept a gift like that". She poured some milk into the pot and turned the flame on. "I just don't like the idea of you walking in this weather," he said as he took the milk from her and sat it back in the fridge. "You deserve it though". She rolled her eyes as she made sure the flame wasn't too high. "I just don't think it's an appropriate gift".

She walked past his dog that was laid out on the floor and sat on his couch. "I like how it's your first time here and you walking 'round like you own the own place," he joked as he sat down next to her. "I can make myself comfortable anywhere". She looks at the television screen. "You were watching basketball highlights?" she asked. "You do that for a living. Why watch it in your free time?" she asks. "It's just good to see another players technique". She sat and watched the game highlights with him, asking questions and taking in the new information Ben was feeding her.

She walked back into the kitchen and looked at the milk. "Where are your mugs?" she asked as she searched the cabinets. "Never mind. I found them". She sat two plain white mugs on the counter and poured milk into each of them. She then poured the mix into them and stirred until the mix turned a rich brown. She walked over to him with the hot chocolate and handed him a mug. "These are so plain," she said pointing to the mug. "You should get some cute ones". She took a sip of the hot chocolate and grinned.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said as he took a drink. "This is really good," he says. "You were right". He took another drink. Before they knew it, the hot chocolate had been drunk and they had moved into the bedroom. After they had sex, Rhys sat on the bed in her bra and panties. Ben was prepping for a shower when he looked over and said, "What we've been doing is fun but you know I do love you right?". She looked over at him and half-smiled. "I know".

Before he could close the bathroom door, Rhys said, "Hey!". Ben leaned back and looked at her. "I love you too," she said. Ben was filled with joy. He walked over to her and kissed her hard. "When I get out, let's have a conversation about us". Rhys nodded and shooed him away.

As the hot water hit his body, Ben just couldn't believe that she finally felt the same way. He had first told her about five months ago that he loved her and she finally returned the sentiment. He knew if they spent enough time together and he remained patient that he would hear what he wanted. Rhys was the girl of his dreams. She was demure in nature and he could never predict what her next action would be. Although the mystery behind her had been solved, he felt as though there was still so much more to discover about Rhys Padgett.

Ben dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He opened the bathroom door and said, "Alright let's have that-". He stopped as he looked into the empty room. Her clothes were gone from the floor and the bed had been neatly made. He walked into the living room and looked around into the kitchen. Her shopping bag was gone. He looked in the coat closet. Her coat and scarf were gone as well. As he walked back towards his room feeling defeated, he noticed a note had been left on his fridge. He walked over to it and pounded his fist on the stainless steel refrigerator door as he looked at the single worded message.


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