Breathing Underwater

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Rhys' P.O.V

Rhys clutched at her stomach in pain. She hadn't been feeling well for days now. It was now August and the weather was beginning to turn. She knew that wasn't the reason for her feeling sick. She had mostly ignored her symptoms but today they were overwhelming. She had been throwing up all morning and had severe migraines. Her pain was a warning of something bad coming. She dragged herself downstairs and put the tea kettle on. She sat at the table and put her head on her arms which were folded on the table. A cat jumped into her lap and pawed at her face. "I really should've given you guys names". The cat meowed at her and then slid it's way onto the table. She was far too sick and exhausted to stop the cat from walking on the dining room table. I'll wipe it down later.

As the tea kettle whistled, she got up out the chair and grabbed a mug and tea bag. She let the tea steep for a few minutes before she drank some. It soothed her stomach temporarily. The cat was now laying on the table and looking over at her. "Can I help you?" she asked him. The cat laid his head down and closed its eyes. She sat at the table and pet the cat as she drank her tea. There was a knock on the door. She walked over and looked through the small window on the door to see who it was. She opened the door enough to peak through. "Ms. Padgett?" he asked. "That's me," she said. "I'm here to install the security cameras". She put her palm to her forehead. "I completely forgot, come on in".

The man walked in with a bag and explained to her where the cameras would be. "There's going to be one on both exits to the home. Is there an exterior entrance into the basement?" he asked. "No. The only door is inside," she said. "That's good. So you'll have them on the exits, one in the living room, one in the kitchen, here to see the base of the stairs and up at the top". She nods to get him to stop talking so she can drink her tea again. "That's fine. I'll let you get to work". She walked into the kitchen and sat back at the table and sipped on her tea. She grabbed a lemon slice from the kitchen and dropped it into her tea.

Her phone began to ring. Ziggy Tackitt. "Hey," Rhys answered. "Oh my god you sound awful. You're still sick?" she asked. "Yeah and it's not letting up". She took another sip of tea. "You want some company? I know how to take care of you when you're sick," Ziggy beamed. "As nice as that sounds, it's not necessary. I don't want to get you sick if I have a stomach bug". Ziggy groaned. "Well I'll be by later this week to pick up my check," she says. "Yes. You never miss one". They chatted for a little longer and then ended the call.

When the man finished installing all the cameras, Rhys paid him and gave him a hefty tip that he was very appreciative of. She went upstairs to take a nap once the transaction was through.

When she woke up, she heard the cats meowing downstairs. She got out of bed and rubbed her stomach as she walked down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and her heart stopped. There was a familiar face going through the drawer that contained the letters. "What are you doing here?".

Ben's P.O.V

"Today's the day I'm thinking of telling her bro," Ben said to Tobias. "I'm proud of you bro. Persistence is key," he said as they warmed up for training. "It's good that Devin and DLo told me about the situation. I'm not gonna lie, when you first came to me asking for advice I was on the fence about giving it out". Ben threw a shot and the ball went into the basket. "Yeah it did come out of nowhere. That's my bad," he said. "But now the season is inching closer and I want to see where her head is at before I get back on the road".

"Well you finally got her to open up to you and that seemed like a big step for you guys. She's probably warming up to you," Tobias said as he dribbled the ball. "It's amazing bro. Love is a wonderful feeling," Ben smiled. "Alright guys," the trainer yelled. "Let's get to playing and maybe we can get out early". Ben played his role during training perfectly and he was improving on his 3-point shot. He was really feeling himself today. When training ended, he dried himself off and got into his car. He smiled like a fool the whole drive to Rhys' house. He was just head over heels for her and was hoping she would reciprocate that in some way. He would even settle for an 'I like you'.

He pulled around back like he was instructed, but there was a car already in the space where he parked. Maybe that's Ziggy's car? He drove around and parked in front of her house. He walked up to the door and noticed it was slightly ajar. He pushed it open and could hear yelling from the kitchen. He stood in the small foyer in listened to the conversation.

"You are such an asshole," he could hear Rhys say. "I'm the asshole? You didn't even have the decency to write me back after I took the time to write that letter to you". The other voice was deep and masculine. Rhys was arguing with an unknown man. "Oh you mean the letter where you called me an attention seeking brat who had faked her suicide attempt? Or the other letter that called me ungrateful and a fat pig that you should cut off?". He heard her shuffling through what sounded like a pile of papers. "Let's see what other insults you have hurled my way!" she yelled. "Oh I remember this one!" she said. "You called me a classless whore who brings shame to your family name".

"Tell me, how can I bring shame to someone who does not claim me? I don't even have your last name you bastard!" He heard something shatter against the floor. "And if I had claimed you, look at the embarrassment you are. It was right of me to keep you in the shadows," the man said. "Would you look at this letter! This has to be my favorite one," Rhys said. "Rhys, your cold womb failed to produce me an heir to my family fortune. You are not worthy of such responsibility. Your main duty as a woman is to produce children and you failed to do so," Rhys read off.

Ben looked in confusion as she read off the letter. Who the fuck is this guy and why did he say all this shit? "Was I wrong?" the man asked. Rhys screamed in frustration. "So mature of you Rhys. You really know how to express yourself". The unknown man's attitude towards Rhys was starting to piss Ben off. He was so dismissive and disrespectful towards her. "Let's discuss why I'm here though. I don't mind you whoring yourself to men. It's what you're best at so I can't be upset with that. But what I am upset about is who you've been doing it with. You know I have been keeping a watchful eye over you and this latest one, I'm impressed. Ben Simmons who plays for the Sixers is what I was told. He drives a Lamborghini. I'm also told he comes over quite often. Am I correct?".

Ben knew it was time to step in. "You keep his name out of this," Rhys said. Ben heard her let out a shrill cry and then a loud thud. He stepped into the kitchen where Rhys was on the floor with letters scattered around her. "Benjamin," she said as she looked at him in shock. "Your door was open. What's going on? Who is this guy?" he asked. Rhys looked at him nervously. 

"He's my husband".

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