Go Get Her, Go Getter

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Ben's P.O.V

"I just really think there's nothing happening there," Rhys said. "I don't know. D'Angelo told me she finally replied to him," Ben smirked. Rhys cut her meatball and ate the piece. "I told him if that's what he wanted, he should be persistent about it". Rhys scoffed before she took a drink of water. "Is that going to be your answer for everyone that needs dating advice? Be persistent?" she smiled as she sat the glass back down. "It worked on you didn't it?" he joked. "Because the feeling was mutual. I was just tied up in things and then in denial so I didn't make it obvious". He took another bite of his food and shook his head.

"The advice works, you just don't want to admit it," he says. "I don't think it'll work on Zig though," she says. "And why is that?" he asked before he took another bite. "Because Zig has someone in her life," she said as she twirled sauce covered pasta with her fork. "This is the first I'm hearing of this," Ben says acting shocked. "Well I mean, how often do we talk about her?" she gestured. "You're right. For how long?" he asked. "You are so nosy you know that right?" she laughed. "But it's going on two years". She puts the pasta in her mouth to avoid answering another question.

"What does he do for work?" Ben asks before drinking water. "Well she works at a bank". Ben sits back in surprise. "I did not know that about Ziggy". The two of them finished their meal and got tiramisu to eat back at Ben's place. After they got the dessert, they got into Ben's car and headed back to his place. "I have a surprise for you when we get to my place," he said. Rhys looked at him with hesitant excitement. "I kind of don't like surprises," she said. "It's not a big one but you'll like it".

They walked into his apartment and Rhys made herself comfortable. Ben sat the bag of dessert on the counter and grabbed forks. He walked it over to Rhys and she thanked him. As they ate, Ben looked over at Rhys. "What?" she asked before she ate another forkful. "You know the restaurant we went to?" he asked. "Yes. Little Nonna's. Why?" she asked. "That's where we had our first date," he said. "Mmm. I don't know if I would call that a date," she corrected. "Then what would you have called it?". She took another bite and then answered him. "That was me feeling you out," she said. "No. Meeting me for coffee was feeling me out. Little Nonna's was a date".

"Call it what you want," she said as she waved her fork around. "I took you there beca-" Rhys interrupted him before he could finish. "Where's my surprise?". She was once again delaying the inevitable. She had been more open to conversations about them and where this was going, but the times he's tried to make it official since she re-entered his life proved futile. He begrudgingly got off the couch and grabbed two mugs from the cabinet. He showed the custom mugs to her and smiled. "You got our names put on them? How cute!" she smiled as she observed the mug.

"Since you called out the plain white ones a while ago I decided to get some I thought you would like". She sat the mug on the coffee table and looked up at him. "I love them. They're thoughtful yet simple". Ben sat back down and they finished up the tiramisu. "I want to ask you something," Ben said as he threw away the containers and sat the forks in the sink. Rhys squirmed on the couch and nervously fixed her hair. Ben sat back down but she looked straight ahead at the muted television.

He curled his finger under her chin and slowly turned her head to face him. She smirked and then looked down. "I think you know what I'm going to ask," he says. "I have an idea," she mumbled. "Can you look at me so I can ask?". She blinked and then gazed into his eyes. Her gaze set fire to the flickering flame in his heart. "Can I just say something first?" she asked to Ben's surprise. He nodded. "My answer is yes". He shook his head and sighed. "I didn't want to hear you say it but yes. I'll be your girlfriend". Ben licked his lips as he looked into her eyes. Rhys moved in and gave him a kiss. He pushed his weight on her and they fell into the couch.

He pulled her dress down and sat it down on the floor next to the couch. With the upper half of his body upright, he pulled her panties off. He unzipped his jeans and tugged them off along with his shirt. He hovered over her and slowly entered. She moaned loudly as his hand grabbed her breast over her lace bralette. He kissed her deeply while in the throws of love making. She wrapped her legs around him as she moved from his kiss to nibble on his ear. Her long nails made raised track marks against his tan back. She cupped his face with her hands and said, "I love you". Rhys pulled him in for a kiss.


"You don't say it much, but when you do, it sounds perfect," Ben said. Rhys looked over at him and grinned. "I would like to hear you say it more though". She smacked her lips and sat back down on the couch with a cup of lemon water with honey. "I have some reservations about saying that but for you, I can try". He scrunched his face together and kissed her on the cheek. Rhys takes a sip of the water. "Why do you and Ziggy drink that so much?" he asks. "We do it to curb soda cravings". Rhys takes another sip. "It also helps with a sore throat. And it just kind of tastes good," she chuckled.

Ben grabbed her empty hand and held it tightly. "I'm glad you agreed to be with me," he smiled. Rhys sat the cup on the coffee table and looked into his eyes. "I don't think I had much of a choice," she chuckles. "I know how persistent you can be. You wouldn't have stopped until I was yours". He rubbed her hand. "You were resistant but I finally got you," he laughed. "Three times you've gotten me to do things I'm very hesitant to do". Ben nods approvingly and smiles.

"You win Simmons. You've won the whole damn game".

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