Imagining The Changes

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Rhys' P.O.V

Rhys looked at her black ensemble in the full body mirror in her room. She smoothed out the dress and fixed her hair. "Rhys". She turned to her doorway and looked at Ziggy who was also dressed in all black. "We have to go or we'll be late". Rhys' lip twitched and she walked downstairs with Ziggy. They got into Ziggy's car and they headed towards the funeral home. The car ride was silent the whole way. 

"I have tissues in my purse," Ziggy says as they walk into the venue. There was a large gathering of people in the main hall. The Wymore children looked at Rhys and Ziggy as they walked into the room where the casket was. They sat down in the third row. "I know this is hard for you," Ziggy says as she rubs Rhys' thigh. "He had two weeks left but died on Saturday. I only got to spend a week and a half with him". A tear rolls down her cheek and Ziggy hands her a tissue. She dabs at her face as not to mess up her makeup. "It was probably the greatest week and a half of his life. That man really did care for you". Rhys cracked a smile through tears.

"He adored me". People started to pour into the room and the ceremony commenced soon after. Family members glanced over at the two women throughout the funeral.  The majority of them had no idea who Rhys was until the divorce was announced so her appearance intrigued them. The Wymore children all made speeches about their father followed by family members and an associate of his. Once the funeral was over, they made their way over to the lawyer's office. Although George said she didn't need to attend, Rhys wanted to. She brought Ziggy along for support.

The executor of the will was in the office when they all arrived. They all took their seats and waited for the will to be read. The executor read through all the boring parts and listed off what the children would receive. Properties and money that was to be split between the three of them. Edward was also named as the head of the oil company. The majority of the billions was his. Just as he expected. "For Rhys. You shall receive $15 million upon my death and assume ownership of the Estate and it's contents. All members contracted at the Wymore Estate will now be at your service. The cars at my home are also yours to keep".

"That's bullshit!" Henry yelled. "We grew up in that fucking house and it should stay in the family!". Rhys cleared her throat and tucked hair behind her ear. "Money and the Estate? I don't fucking think so," Beau said. Henry and Beau, the brother's of Edward, continued to argue against the information. "I'm contesting this will. That drug addict is not entitled to anything!" Beau yelled. "It cannot be contested," the lawyer said. "I met with him on Thursday where he made the changes. I confirmed that he was of sound body and mind. This will is legal and cannot be contested".

They left the office and walked back to their cars. "This isn't over you little bitch!" Henry said as he grabbed her arm. "Let go of me," Rhys said as she pulled her arm away. "Did you trick my father into leaving you that shit?". Rhys continued to walk towards the car. Henry grabbed her arm again and the girls turned around. "Do you want to know why he left me the Estate and not any of you? I was there for him in his dying days. I was there the day he died! I was the only one who was there for him at the end. You ungrateful fucks couldn't be bothered to visit your dying father. Frankly, I don't think any of you deserve shit!".

Henry cocked his jaw and slapped Rhys across the face. Ziggy came and pushed him away. "Back the fuck off!" she said to him. Beau and Edward walked over. Beau pulled Henry away to get him to calm down. "Ziggy can you give us a moment?" Edward asked. She looked him up and down. "I'll be watching. You don't know how to keep your hands to yourself either". She walked over to her car and leaned on the door, watching as Edward and Rhys talked.

"I'm sorry he did that to you," Edward said. "Don't apologize. He couldn't handle being confronted with the truth so he acted out". Edward nodded and grinned. "That was our childhood home so you can imagine why they're upset. I'm upset as well". Rhys looked back at Ziggy and then at Edward again. "Your father knew," she said. "Knew what?" he asked. "I'm a man with a lot of secrets. You'll have to be more specific". Rhys scoffed and shook her head.

"He put the pieces together about you years ago. He took all your secrets to his grave to protect the family name. But remember how you and Beau had a bad coke problem? I may have been fucked up, but I remember him waiting in the car while you would come in, flirt with me, and get your nose candy. So it's funny to me how you and your brother can shame me for doing what I did when you guys were doing the same shit. So while you think you may be a man with many secrets, you're just a cokehead with some real skeletons in his closet. One of those skeletons is messing around with an underage street kid who was addicted to heroin. I advise you and your brothers to leave me alone from here on out or there will be hell to pay with me. I have the real secrets and I hold on to them very well. Provoke me, and I'll take your whole family down. Your one mistake was marrying me. I have so much fucking dirt on all of you".

Rhys turned around and walked towards the car. She quickly turned back around and said, "If any Wymore comes to the Estate, I'll have you arrested. I'm through with this family". The girls get in the car and Rhys cradles her face. "You knew you were getting the house didn't you?" Ziggy asked as she drove back to Rhys' house. "He told me on Saturday". Rhys looked down at her phone.

Ben Simmons
I know this is a sad day for you so I'll leave you be. I love you

I'll call you when I get home. I really need to hear your voice


"So how was the funeral?" Ben asked. "The funeral itself wan't bad, it was the reading of the will that was sour". Ben raised an eyebrow as he watched her cross-stitch. "Please tell me what happened". Rhys started on a new letter in the stitch. "I was given some money and the Estate in George's will and that did not go over well". Ben took a look at what she was stitching but she lifted it so he couldn't see. "Edward's brother Henry slapped me". Ben shot up. "What the fuck do you mean he slapped you?" he bellowed. "Sit back down," she said to him as she continued to stitch. Ben reluctantly sat down.

"Do you want me to do something about that?" he asked. "It's not necessary. I handled it". Ben eyed her. "And how did you do that?". She looked up at him made a face of indifference. "I have information on that family that should never see the light of day. I know I've seen the last of them". He looked at her strangely and decided not to ask what information she knew. "That family likes giving you money huh?" he joked. "I wasn't expecting the money but I'd never turn it done. I'll just add that to the money I got in the divorce".

Ben put his hand on his forehead. "Maybe I should've married a billionaire," he joked. "You've amassed more money than me in a shorter period of time". Rhys couldn't help but to laugh. "So since you have that house, are you going to sell this one?" he asked. "I'm thinking of selling the Estate once it's officially signed over to me". Ben shook his head. "I don't think you should sell it," he says. She looks up at him and sighs. "It's just a thought at the moment. I have a little bit to decide what to do with it". Rhys finished the last stitch and handed the embroidery hoop to him.

He looked down at his name stitched in cursive. "This is cute," he said with a smile. "When did you start doing this?". Rhys moved the stitching materials from the couch onto the coffee table. "My sophomore year of college. I was bored and needed something to do to keep my hands occupied". He nodded and smiled. "I think I'll hang this in my room," he said. Rhys toyed with the materials as a lingering thought once again consumed her mind. She knew now would be a better time than ever to ask.

"I was thinking that maybe you should move in?" she said hesitantly. Ben's eyes lit up and he smiled widely. "Or maybe like just have a set of clothes and some things over since you're here a lot. Whatever you want to do," she squawked. "I'll move in". Rhys smiled widely and squealed. She walked over to Ben and kissed him. "I will go make some food to celebrate".

Rhys hadn't been this full of joy in quite a while. She was a girl afraid to love and open her heart lest there be another devastating heartbreak. But with Ben, it felt like a clean slate. Her past deeds had been forgiven and wiped clean. She was pure to him. A woman reborn.

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