Lights Out, Words Gone

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben watched as the girl swayed to the music. He was sitting on the couch in his living room with a cup of Hennessy in his hand. The season had ended a little over two days ago for his team and now he was just enjoying himself until his off-season activities started up. The woman, who was in lingerie, continued to sway sexily to the beat in an attempt to seduce Ben. He took a sip of the alcohol, feeling unimpressed with her lackluster movements. He sat the cup down by his foot and leaned forward. His hand gripped her thigh and she smiled at him. "Get on your knees," he said. 

The girl did as she was told and dropped to her knees. Ben pulled his boxer briefs down and stroked himself and the girl smiled in anticipation. "I'll take care of it," she said. Her hands took over and eventually her mouth. It was too easy with these kind of girls. Send a DM and they were down for any and every thing. He didn't have to do any work with them and that was perfect for him. He grabbed the back of her head as she continued. He took his other hand and rubbed along her bra strap. She looked up at him. "Do you wanna do something else?" she grinned. "No. Just keep doing what you're doing". 

She continued and Ben looked around the room waiting for it to be over. He took a look at his Apple Watch. May 31, 2020. He closed his eyes to hurry this process. He didn't want this girl around him anymore and just wanted to be alone. He thought of the only person who could get him off almost immediately. When her silhouette appeared in his mind, it was over. The girl giggled as she wiped around her mouth. Ben pulled his briefs up and stood up from the couch. "I'm gonna go shower". He walked into his bathroom and turned the water on.

He stepped into the shower and just stood there for a minute. Everyday he had hoped that he would hear from Rhys, but he gave up after she blocked him on Instagram back in March. He knew it would be difficult, but he found it in himself to move on from her as best as he could. He dedicated himself to his work and the various charities he was involved in through the NBA. Just doing things to keep his mind occupied.

He got out the shower and dried off slowly, hoping the girl would take the hint that she had served her purpose and it was time for her to leave. He dressed himself just as slowly and when he finally walked into his living room, she was still sitting on the couch. "I think you should go," Ben said to her. She turned around and nodded slowly at him. She quickly put her clothes on and left his apartment. He sat down on his couch and mindlessly watched TV until he dozed off.

He was woken up by a knock on his door. He looked over at the time. 10:17. He yawned as he got up and walked to the door. He opened the door and a familiar fragrance wafted through the doorway. 


Rhys' P.O.V

They stood in their places and just looked at each other. "May I come in?" Rhys asked. Ben stepped out of her way and let her walk inside. She observed the state of his house. As clean as she remembers but there were two cups in the living room. One on the floor and the other on the coffee table. She looked into the kitchen and saw the open bottle of Hennessy. She turned around and was unaware that he was standing directly behind her. "Am I interrupting?" she asked. Ben looked around and shook his head. "No".

She went into the living room and put her purse on the couch. She grabbed the two cups and poured the alcohol down the sink. "Why are you here?" he asked as she sat the cups in the sink. "I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing". She screwed the cap on the Hennessy and sat it in the fridge. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?" he asked. She looked over at him and shook her head. "I don't think I ever said that and if I did, it was a mistake. Things that are untrue can be said in heated moments".

She walked back over to the couch and sat down. She patted the cushion next to her, inviting him to sit. He reluctantly did so. "I came over to see how you were but to also apologize for what happened in Chicago". Ben didn't talk so she continued. "I think I reacted really harshly to what you said because if I'm being honest, I would like to pursue a relationship with you it's just..." she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. Ben didn't say anything. He just sat there as she tried to gather her thoughts. "I'll start from the beginning," she said.

"When you met me, I was still married and doing my own thing, perfectly content being by myself. I was working through some things and really discovering who I needed to be. I mean, I tried to kill myself the night we went for dinner. I feel like that was a big clue to let you know maybe you should approach with caution or just go on with your life and forget all about me. But you just wouldn't leave me alone and I liked that about you. You're persistence is such an endearing quality. But as time went on, I really noticed how attached you were getting and it concerned me. I knew I wasn't emotionally ready to pursue anything with you and I should've said that from the very beginning and that was my fault. So that night I left, I was just scared. I didn't want to have that talk with you because I wasn't quite ready to have that conversation with myself. But in Chicago I was forced to deal with my mishandling of all this. I meant it when I said I love you but I don't know how to show you. So I didn't come so you would take me back and it would be happily ever after but to just give you a sense of where I was. I feel as though you were owed at least an explanation".

"I think at this point a relationship is not our next step," Ben said. Rhys, although disappointed, nodded in understanding. "I think we should take proper efforts to get to that point though". Her face lit up and she smiled at him. She leaned over and hugged him. Ben's face turned towards hers and they kissed gently. "Oh Benjamin," she sang.

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