The Light Is Coming

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben was moving his clothes into Rhys' spare closet. She had gone out for the day so it was just him, her five cats, and his dogs. The house, although large enough for her and her cats, was starting to feel cramped. Ben wanted to pose the idea of them moving into the Estate since he was aware of just how large the home was. It had more than enough space for the two of them and their gaggle of animals. But he knew better. When he first mentioned the idea of moving there, she shot him down. Ben had learned by now to not push a subject with her because it would only make her retreat.

A cat rubbed against his leg as he took some folded shirts out of his suitcase. Ben patted the bed and the cat jumped up. He sat down next to the cat and rubbed its head. "You should have a name buddy," he said. Another cat jumped up and immediately sat in the suitcase on top of clothing. Ben attempted to pick him up, but the cat nipped at his hand. "Alright!" he exclaimed as he stood up. "She warned me that one of you bites and I guess that's you". That was when Ben had a great idea.

He drove down to the pet store at got different colored collars. When he got back to his new home, he shook the bag of cat food in the kitchen. One by one, the cats hesitantly came into the kitchen. They knew it wasn't time to be fed but they were curious as to why their food was being shook. A gray cat jumped on the kitchen island and Ben grabbed a collar from the bag. He cut the tags off and placed the collar around the cats neck. 

Rhys had no intention on naming the cats and that was fine with Ben. They were her pets after all. But he thought it would be a good idea to identify them based on what color the collars were. He put collars on each of the cats and they didn't seem very receptive of that. He left them in a mild panic in the kitchen and continued putting his clothes away. Once he put the last pair of pants on a shelf, the doorbell rang. He went downstairs and opened the door. Leslie and Mrs. Mixon, both of whom he had been previously introduced to, were standing there. 

"Aren't you going to invite us in?" Leslie asked. "Rhys isn't home," he says to them. "Oh we know that," Mrs. Mixon said as she pushed past him and went into the living room. Leslie walked in carrying a plastic container of food. "It's mostaccioli. Don't expect it to taste good". He followed Leslie into the kitchen and watched as she put the food on the counter and grabbed herself a bottle of water. "You don't have to watch me. I've known her since she moved here and I can guess that's longer than you've known her". Leslie was especially snappy today.

Ben went and sat in the living room with Mrs. Mixon who had turned on the local news. "So what brings you guys over?" he asks as Leslie walks back in. "My husband's nurse is there and I don't like being around her," Mrs. Mixon says as she folds her hands in her lap. "My teenage daughter told me she hated me because I won't let her dye her hair purple," Leslie said. Ben, not knowing how to feel about any of this, just sat there. It seemed as though Rhys' house was an escape for these women and he wasn't going to tell them they weren't welcome.

Rhys' P.O.V

"So I was talking with Jayne the other day and we want to take a break from each other," Ziggy said. Rhys frowned and dropped her shoulders. "I was really rooting for you guys," she pouted. "I know but she really wants to get married and I don't want to do that just yet". Rhys drank her fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. "But aren't you the one that's always saying you believe in true love and you want your happily ever after?" Rhys questioned. "Yes but, I don't want a happily ever after with Jayne". Rhys nodded slowly and then at a normal pace. 

"Well you always have my support". The girls sat in the cafe and chatted a little longer until there was loud commotion outside. They looked out the window and there a protest coming down the street. The two of them shrugged and resumed conversation. "I want to know all about you and Ben. I feel like I haven't received any updates". Rhys rolled her eyes internally. "We're fine. He should've gotten the last of his stuff moved in today. We're a few weeks away from the season starting so I just want to make sure everything's in place before he goes on the road".

"Oh what's that going to be like?" she asks. "I'm not sure. I'm used to living on my own but I think it'll be different this time around. I haven't been emotionally attached to anyone in a very long time so I don't know how the inconsistent living situation will work out for us". Ziggy looked at Rhys with wide eyes and her mouth agape. "I just meant like if we were going to get free tickets or something". Rhys sighed and shook her head. "I can get us passes". 

"But let's unpack what you just said because it seems to be weighing heavy on your mind". Rhys looked around the cafe and then back at Ziggy. "That's just it. I don't know the kind of effect the constantly being out of town for the duration of the season is going to take on our relationship". Ziggy cocked her head to the side. "I'm assuming your relationship is strong enough to get through it. You did just move him in after all," she said. "I know and we're doing well but I'm just so worried".

"Padge!" Ziggy smiled. "You're in love! That's just the worry you feel because you care about him and you want things to work out. It's fine and totally natural. I actually think I would be concerned if you didn't feel this way about him being on the road and away from you". Rhys sighed a breath of relief. Her mind had been racing for the last week because she was just so worried. She wasn't the type to have thoughts like this fill her mind, but they had been unavoidable as of lately. "I'm sure if you asked he'll say he feels the same".

 Rhys bit her lip. "Your honest opinion. Do you see us panning out?". Ziggy chuckled as he grinned due to youthful nature of the question. "This guy has loved you for a while now. His love has pulled him through some tough moments with you. Shit that any other guy would've left you for.  I like to think that he's in it for the long haul". Rhys smiled before she took another sip of her juice, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulder. "Where did that come from?" Ziggy asked. "When we were in Greece we made a deal. I said that in fifteen years we meet back where we first met. Together or not, I would want to see him just to see if he would feel that same spark he claims he felt that night".

"Okay that's really cheesy and sounds like a plot from a bad movie, but I think it's cute," Ziggy says. "But I will say he felt something intense that night. The look on his face was so was... he just looked determined. And he's been pretty determined since day one Padge. You found a great guy". The two girls leave the cafe and head for Ziggy's place to spend the rest of the day lounging.

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