It's getting harder to breath...

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(edited 3/17/2020)

Third POv

"Now... As you're all most likely not even going to care, I can just toss these out."

Spoke the Bald man in brown. He threw papers up into the air, the papers slowly floating down into the wood floor and making no sound.

It was silent as the class full of teens awaited the news.

Midoryia looking at a notebook he started. The note book was old, as you could tell by a few torn pages and the worn out cover and spine of it. The note book had a name

The name was scribbled on sloppily, and looked to be very faded. It said " The curse's effects on me."

That alone, originally made alot of red flags pop up for others. But they all grew used to it, believing it was because of his quirkless imagination.

But it wasn't.

It was far worse.

He never asked to be saved.

He never asked to be so diffrent.

Midoryia never asked to be the one to sacrifice so much.


Midoryia's head snapped up, only to regret it instantly. Searing, hot, pain took over the boys sences.

Making the greenette whimper and flinched away, instinctly trying to get away.

The sound of something ripping rang out.

It was silent.

Why was it so silent?


No! Not the silence! Please! Don't close your eye-

A voice, something the boy longed to forget, repeated in his head. Tears, burning acid, welled, cut through, in the teens eyes.

The silence was too much- let him out! Please! It was too much for Midoryia.

The silence was intoxicating, making his lungs hurt as he desperately shoved air into his lungs, but it all felt too little, too hard.

Midoryia was having a panic Attack.

He felt soemthing grip onto his shirt, he reacted on instincts alone.

Clamping his jaws down onto the hand, tasting the iron that is blood.

He heard only mumbles, as if who ever was screaming was far away, or he was under the water, almost as if...

As if he wasn't there.

Soon, Midoryia felt something cool agenst his skin, soemthing that made him feel.... Alive. Free. Not bound by anything.

Blinking, Midoryia realized something. He could see the clouds, the pale and dark blues of the sky. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his back, on him, and only him.

Something registered inside his head.

He was flying.

He wasn't in class anymore, he wasn't even wearing a shirt!

Panic seized his heart, before it all flooded out of him.

The breeze felt amazing, cooling down his hot skin.

He looked down, everything on the ground looked so small, the greens of trees and grass, the grey of buildings, the diffrent colors of people, it all blended together. Into a beautiful peice of art.

Midoryia looked above him, to the sound of heavy flapping.

Brilliant white, but pink tinted, wings filled his vision. The feathers shined in the sunlight, each catching the light at diffrent times, showing how neatly they where cleaned and brushed.

Midoryia sighed, realizing he should probably land, as much as he hated the thought.

  Having a slow desend to the ground felt.... Different.

As if soemthing in his gut was saying "stop." The green haired teen thought it was just his mind saying that Kacchan could still be there. So he brushed it off.

  He shouldn't have.

Landing on a more broken part of cement, Midoryia looked around. It looked like he was under some kind of bridge, but it looked old and unused.

  Cracks were easy to spot, going from one brick to another. It has little light coming through, but Midoryia could easily see just fine.

  Realizing that he should probably get home, the teen started walking twords the exit.

  But then, the teen went rigid as something started wrapping itself around him.

  Barley able to let out a scream in time, Midoryia closed his eyes, just
... Waiting.  It was getting harder to breath, something forcing its way down his throat...he let his body go limp, already excepting the fate that should have come along time ago.



I-i can't leave t-them!

  N-not without s-saying goodbye!



  Everything faded to black as Midoryia lost consciousness.

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