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And I'm back again with another book. I'm sorry but iv been so inspired lately that these keep coming!

Anyway on with info!
(Edited 5/6/20)
Izuku Midoryia
  Hight: 4'11 he small bean (change because, no he not gonna be that short!)
  Sex: Unisex (I researched very little to this, but he was born with both parts. But chose male pronouns over female and nonbinary.)
  Quirk: ????
  Izuku's quirk is harder to explain without giving away his actual back story. But what it basically is, is that it's a transformation and immiter type.

  I'll say somethings that do happen with it, he does get inhuman strength, but it does have backlash with alot of fatigue.

  Another thing would be the ability to control elements, but he has not mastered this yet and it is activated at random or when Izuku has strong emotions.
The drawback is the fact it happens at random, that and he has like... No resistence to the elements at all.

  Something else is the fact he has very sharp cainines and has the placement as an Omega. Or in other words Rouge Omega.
It is different from the A/B/O aspect due to not everyone has these roles.

  Some drawbacks of course is the fact Izuku has very strong emotions, that he can't really properly express. Another would be the fact he isn't all that... In time persay with his quirk.

He personally fears his quirk. The reason is actually something I kinda took the idea from another story. It is show cased later in a different chapter, so if you have read the story, then you can easily get what I'm getting at with the hints.

  Appearance: Same small black green haired kid who is shy and stutters. But he has a small scar on his cheak from when he was younger. Giant white fluffy wings, green fluffy ears on top of his head as well. He is rarly seen with his Halo but he has to keep it close or it will go heywire.

Bakugou is the same from the anime but he does develope the over protective brother personality later.

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