chapter something

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  "Its nothing kacchan."

  Bakugou blinked. What? He watched the greenette walk away, the pink haired one following. That... was not Deku. The deku he knew was either quiet, or having long answers to simple questions. But that?

"Tch. Damn nerd..." he muttered, his eyes betraying the emotion he appeared to be. Sighing, bakugou followed the two shorter teens, watching them closely as they kept walking.

   "Did you know Bakugou would stay behind?" Amara asked, looking behind them as the two continued to walk away.

"No."  The answer was short, and little emotion was present behind it. Like a prisoner responding to his family if he was okay.  Amara flinched, but kept pace. That was a weird, but talking to a teacher alone is scary... so he could pardon this one.  

  Midoriya hated today. Already he was talking to a teacher who had no right to be asking him such questions! Growling, he sighed, those thoughts would get him no where. Hopefully, he answered correctly and no suspicion would be out up. Hopefully.

  Going into the cafiteria was already a normal thing. The loud banter around them made it easy to talk in privet without anyone hearing. Sighing, Midoriya did his already planned routine of (what did he eat in anime and Manga? Ima go with school since thats what I do) going in the lunch line, treating lunch, and sitting down at a table in the back. Amara appeared shortly after with a brown paper bag.

  Shinsou seemed tired. But that was normal.

  Shinsou sighed, these teens were hard to chase off! The brunette wouldn't leave him alone, and the red haired one kept completing him! How in the world was Aizawa doing this?

Sighing, -he seemed to do that a lot lately- he quietly slipped out of the classroom, making his way to the lunchroom where his brother- ahem. Freind, freind was sitting. He blinked in realization at the fact a new face was at the table. Pale pink hair, cyan colored eyes and pale skin seemed odd. Thats saying something because he was used to seeing a literal frog and brid in his class. Heck, a small perverted grape was there too.

  Midoriya watched as shinsou put his head in his arms, his posture relaxing. He blinked at Bakugou finally showed up. He seemed, different. It perplexed midoriya, but he shrugged it off.

  "How was your day Hitoshi?" (I forgot how they address each other, just go with it okay? ) midoriya asked, taking a bite of rice before watching said person sigh.

"Why are people so pent up on freindship? "

"No idea insomnia." Bakugou answered, looking done with the talking already. A sudden yell alerted them to an invasion.

  "Shisnou kun!" A high pitched voice called out from somewhere.


  A brunette followed by a red head came into veiw, carying trays of food with them. Oh gods no-

  The brunette sat down on Shinsous right side, and the red head sat on Bakugous left.

  "Are these youre freinds?" The brunette asked. Midoriya looked her over, a bob cut of brown hair, pink cheeks with round brown eyes. A friendly one. The red head, looked different. Red eyes with red hair, a scar on his left eyebrow and sharp teeth. No idea.

  Shinsou answered in a huff of disappointment. The red head was quick to speak.

"I'm Kirishima Ejirou, and this is Uraraka Ochaco, we are  this guys classmates and freinds. "

"Wouldn't say freinds, rather just strangers who barged in." A sudden palness covered Shinsou as he silently cursed. Oh no..more?

  Midoriyas answer came in three others suddenly sitting down by them. A black haired guy with- are those tape dispensers in his elbows? Another one was fully pink, like fully. They had  black eyes with yellow irises, and yellow horns ontop their head. The last was an electric blond with a black thunder bolt in his hair, and striking electric eyes. There more!

  "Hello there! I'm Mina Ashido and this here is Kaminari Denki!" The two were very much grinning from ear to ear. Gods, save  me from this. Midoriya thought, already hating this day more.

  "I'm Sero hanta. And I'm sorry for the trouble we have caused." Tape dispenser spoke. That couldn't be more of a lie, could it?

  Sighing and giving in, Midoriya gave into this weird intrusion.

  "I'm Midoriya Izuku, this is Amara Rai, and Bakugou Kat-"

"I can introduce myself nerd!"

  Midoriya rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh as he just gave up. He started eating, complete done with everyone today.

  "Fine, go ahead kacchan."

"Tch. I'm bakugou katsuki, and you extras arnt welcome here!" His threat went ignored, as the intruders  tried making small talk. This hurt, his social battery was low. Why must social interaction be so hard?

  The conversation wasn't interesting to Midoriya, Amara talked with them, and it seemed to edge them on. They spoke of the first day, how a perverted grape was nearly expelled, and quirks. A question made mdioriya pause and shut down at the same time.

  "Midoriya kun, whats your quirk?"

  It was silent. Midoriya stared at the perosn who asked the question. It was the pinkie girl.

  "My... my quirk?"

"Yeah! Mine is acid! I'm able to shoot acid out of my hands or any portion of my body! It can dissolve through lots of things! I'm amune to it myself though."  Mina spoke, a happy expression on her face.

What is it with people and quirks?
"Well, I... " what was he going to say? "I'm able to.... act like a wolf! I can control the elements, and I myself am not amune to it. "Internally sighing, midoriya smacked himself. That was so stupid.

  The extras bought it. The bell rung. They sped off, dragging shinsou with them and shouting good byes as they left.

  "That was.. soemthing."

   And ima end it here. Sorry for the long wait! School got... weird. We had our first case already, we were quarantined for a week or two before they said, hey! Get back in class!

I already hate one of my teachers. I think she's just confused by me. Like, I hate her  us she yells at us for little to no reason, and she's also the only teacher that has yelled at me this year. Mainly cus I can't keep my mouth shut and cus I have horrible luck and got paired up with someone who hates my guts.

  So yeah, but like, she's complemented me loads of times too, as I'm like, the only person who's actually asked questions respectfully and shit like that.

I also write minny essays instead of the five sentence thing for homework cus I can't do only five sentences to save my life.

Anyway, hope you all have a good day and hope yall have better days then I have so far. (Got blood drawn three times. Three! In the past two months, cus they messed up! Got stabbed with three needles in the second blood draw. It sucked. )

I am updating my one shot book soon as I have almost 50 pages on the school account of literal fan fiction. Yeah. I got a frsind into making fan fiction too tho. So like. Yay.

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