Exam Fail pt. 2

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   Ahah... I definitely haven't accidently drawn a character commiting suicide ...
Totally not ..


How's everyone's quratine going? I'm stoping the questioning thingy due to the fact I don't really have the will to do it.

That and as you noticed, I haven't been as active as I was before, as school and other... Stuff came up.

  So onto the chapter

  Third POV

   Bakugou was wear when it came to the blond man. Sure, the guy helped in shutting down his horrible school, but something... Felt off.

  Almost like the guy was hiding something. Something big. Bakugou didn't like not knowing. Something him and the nerd shared. Something they always shared.

  Bakugou didn't like how he treated the nerd, but he had too. As much as it pained him, as much as it pained him to enjoy it. He did it.

  But that didn't mean he didn't blame some of it on other people. But mainly himself. But he had to get other it, as it would only hinder him to keep thinking of it.

  Now, the blonde was freinds with the two orphans. Even if they went behind the greenette's back and silently formed a pact to protect said green haired teen.

  It was only natural, as the obvious leader was the insomniac.  As much as he hated it, Bakugou could admit the purple haired eggplant was a good leader.

  But watching as the two just streight up followed the blond man with little hesitation, made him feel pretty dumb trusting the eggplant.

  Like, who completely trusts an old guy you just met ten mouths ago?

  Certainly not Bakugou. No. Not the- and there he went following the other two like a lost puppy.

  Yeah, he was that kind of person.

  Bakugou really didn't understand what the whole hype  about the hero course was anymore. They only do it for the money and Fame.

  Selfish people. Given praise Al their life while the ones with seeming weak or no quirk, were cast away.

  Shame really.

  Most apparent weak quirks were actually amazing, and could lead to actual change

  But no. Only flashy or physical quirks were allowed. It was stupid.  This is soemthing Bakugou realized, and now, he didn't want to be apart of it.

  But now that he thought about it, how come the old man that his freind looked up too, was here?

  "Oi, old man," Bakugou spoke, watching as they stopped and turned to him. Midoryia was going him a look of confusion, Shinsou one of "of come on..." And the old man also confusion.

  "What are you doing here? Last I checked, only teachers and participants were allowed here." He spoke, watching as the blonde started sweating profusely.

  "Er.. uhh...well-" he was cut off from a shout from across the hall they were in.

  " Yo! Yagi! Are those the three you said were going to take the special exam?"

  Bakugou looked at the new person as they walked towards them.  Obviously male, the man has his blonde hair up in a... Curve? With hair gel, a speaker on his neck and a black outfit of leather. And shades.

  Bakugou's eyes widened, oh.

  "OMG! Kacchan! It's Present Mic! Hitoshi! It's you-" Bakugou slapped a hand over Midoriyas mouth.

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