Wait- no hero course?

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abbydykiel. -go to bottom, I explain somethings.

So, I am so sorry if you guys don't like how the story's doing so slowly, I just have to say this: it's for a reason.

It's to cover some things in the beginning, so I don't have to cover them later.

The story should start to get a faster pace later.

Also, Izuku and shinsou already have planned love interests, but what else shall we have?

Kiribaku is set in stone btw.

Also, @octopusthehand (did it do it righ5?) Had gotten the last question, now here's one all the weebs of MHA is able to get

Question: how many siblings does Todoroki have?

Third POV

*Timey skip*

*Five months before the entrance exam*

Midoryia was expelled. Aldera Middle School expelled him for attacking another student.

That did not go well with Aomasa. The school was actually closed down to this current day, due to the fact it was currently being looked over by government officials. It wasn't just Midoryia that was getting abused there, but rather it was found out that it wasn't just him, but actually Katsuki Bakugou as well.

Apparently the teachers had started threatening and abusing him a little into the first grade, claiming things as "You'll never be a hero if you continue to hang around the weak!" Or "you're to pathetic to even stand up after that single shove, how do you expect to become a hero? "

It surprised many by the reveal. And now, Mitsuki and Aomasa has teamed up, and we're currently winning the case.

Mitsuki had also, maybe threatened and frightened everyone there.

Now, Midoryia, Shinsou who went to another school, but also ended up expelled, and Bakugou were taking lessons with Yagi.

If you asked them, he was horrible as a teacher. It took a few weeks for the four to get used to everything, specially because they were all at diffrent academic levels.

But now, they were currently training in the woods behind Yagi's home. While he lived alone, Midoryia always pointed out that, he really didn't.

Midoryia and Bakugou patched things up, but it was still pretty rocky. But at least now, Shinsou didn't have to use his quirk to get Bakugou to not blow Midoryia up.

And soon, it became easier to trust the other, and that's what brings us to now. Five months before the UA entrance exam, Midoryia wasn't going for hero like the other two. Or well, that's what he thought.

"And Bakugou wins!"

Shinsou announced, looking at the two on the ground, Bakugou holding Midoryia down by siting on his back, careful of his wings, and Midoryia completely drained of energy.

Bakugou was the kid Midoryia apparently 'attacked. ' But the two patched it up, and now Bakugou knew that Midoryia was never quirkless, or well, not anymore.

Bakugou also learned that his childhood friend was.... Not all there. Like, he was basically terrified of the small greenette at night, or well, all day and night.

The reason, was because their was just... Something wrong. It put him off, so now Bakugou really didn't want to be in the greenette's bad side.

Bakugou swore that Midoryia was at least a little bit crazy. And insane.

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