The orphans

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Anyway, the main protagonists are Yagi, Midoryia, and Shimura, I don't know why, but I want their to be more one then one perspective  for an incident or just some humor.

  Sure I could have just switched it and go to other characters, but with this it should be more consistent and not crazy.

The ship is still TodoDeku though. Kiribaku along with others are in the background.

Since like no one participated, or knew, the answer, here it is.

The story may be in the reworks, but the three stay the same.

It's also written similar to this.

  The three were :

  Izuku, Mikumo, and Toga

  New question: (for the warrior fan I know i met)

  In the book, Fire and Ice, Who did Bluestar send out to bring back Windclan?

  It's an easy question, I think..


Also, I was looking through my small sketch book and sound this:

Also, I was looking through my small sketch book and sound this:

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So like, I'ma like, redraw it on the back and like, finish it.

Yay, me cover it think
Third POV

  Black eyes, met the emerald greens of another.

Midoryia didn't know what to do when he was eye contact with the transparent spirit

  The spirit, still looked fairly young, and had long black hair, some of it tied into a bun on the top of their head. What appeared to be a hero costume was what they wore. A yellow cape, yellow boots and gloves, and the rest black. (I hope that's right)

  They both stared at one another for a few more seconds, before Midoryia was out the door.

  Aomasa, was someone special to him. He was their to help him out of being sent to the government for testing. He was their when no one else was.

  He was almost like a mother.

  Midoryia nearly snorted at that thought, but his face did scrunch up like he did.

  But it was true, Aomasa always asked if he was eating right, if he was getting enough sleep, and even asked if he could walk him to, and from school.

  It was funny how Midoryia and the rest of the officers present at the time, watched as Aomasa got into his knees and basically begged Midoryia to at least eat soemthing infront of him.

  Sure, Midoryia was very, very, concerningly short for his age... And skinny, but he was healthy.... For the most part.

  Considering he was kinda, dying form the inside.

But eh, not like he really cared.

  Midoryia hummed softly under his breath as him and Aomasa started walking back towards the only place Midoryia hated more then school.

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