Entrance Exam Fail pt. 1

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The person who got the last question right was @Emma2dayanara4

FuntimeFreaksXD had also gotten it, but was just an hour late. Other people have as well, and I would like to say that the question was actually pretty easy as it itself has been pretty popular with Dabi and such.

Next question: Who is Izuku's father's name?


Also, sorry for not up dating for awhile, iv been busy having emotional breakdowns and such. But I'm alot better now and have found the inspiration to continue.

Thanks for all the good feed back! I only really do this for fun and if I have too, I will try to get a regular update schedule to continue practicing for later.

Hope y'all stay happy and healthy during this time of crisis.

My school just admitted to closing down (thankfully) even if it didn't, my mom wouldn't have allowed me to go anyway, my school is dumb and stuff but they dont want to be sued XD

Next time I walk into that school should be next year when I'm in seventh grade. (yes I'm young and in sixthed grade.)

Onto the chapter.

(This is gonna be long... I think..)

Also, if you noticed the Halo hasn't made an apperence, I'll be adding it in this chapter for a grand reveal. Explaining some things, and possible forshadowing
Third POV

Five months can go by in the blink of an eye, just like you're life can be taken away by just a single action.

No one cares how old you are, or what you do, how you act, look, nothing matters asking as you can satisfy someone's needs.

Midoryia learned that the hard way. People don't care because they don't want to, but rather because they don't know. They don't know if they just walked pass a murderer on the street. Or if they just sealed someone's death by two simple words.

No one knows. Midoryia didn't like not knowing. He wished he didn't go so far. So far to know. Maybe she could have been there with him if he just paused.

If he didn't try being a hero. If he was only more careful.

But nothing goes the way he wants it. And now, standing infront of the massive gates of UA, all the small greenette could feel was fear. Fear that he would be discovered for what he really was, for what he did.

Shaking his head did nothing to clear his thoughts away. Almost like they were stuck there with glue. Something didn't feel... Right. Midoryia couldn't put his finger on it, but it just...

Nah, Midoryia though, shaking his head to clear his thoughts away again, I'm just imagining it. He decided, looking down at his hands, and then back up. He was waiting for Hitoshi and Kacchan.

They agreed to meet up so none of them got lost, as the support and genera Ed along with hero exams were taking place on the same day. As weird as it was.

Midoryia currently was holding his yellow backpack, while it was torn and ripped in some places, it still did its job. Inside were his notebooks, on hero's and a new one he started on support gear.

The new notebook wasn't just his, as Kacchan and Hitoshi also wrote down ideas and even claimed pages as their own for gear they wanted to make for practice.

Albeit Kacchan took up more space as he couldn't sketch to save his life. Nor could he actually take notes as good as the other two. So his writing was sloppy and quite fastly written, but not as bad as Midoryias.

Hitoshi's was a lot neater and actually didnt take up a lot of space, he could sketch and he sometimes colored said sketches in. But compared to Midoryia, was it paled.

Midoryia basically had his own language. But in honesty, it was just ancient Greek. That and his handwriting was so small, you couldn't have known he couldn't actually read anything else, unless with a lot of concentration.

Didn't help that he had been sketching and drawing for long periods of time. So he took up the least amount of room in said notebook, but he had more notes and information written down compared to the two combined.

"Nerd. Your mumbling again." Spoke the familiar voice of the explosive blond. Well, explosive couldn't really explain him anymore, as he was taking anger management classes and therapy. But he was the same old Kacchan to everyone else. As much as Midoryia tried to get him to stop.

Hitoshi couldn't either, he was fine with it. Weirdly.

"S-sorry! I... I just can't.... I can't believe we're.... Here. " He spoke , looking in awe at the building again. Unknown to him, a pair of sunken blue eyes watched the trio, a gleem that just spoke 'im proud' was in their eyes.

"I know nerd. But we have to get going if we want to actually participate. Doesn't help that we are required to take the practical with the hero wannabe's. Let's get going, I can feel the stupidity coming out from all the hero wannabe's here. ". Kacchan spoke, already starting to walk past the gate.

  "Wait up Kacchan!"  Midoryia exclaimed, racing to catch up to the taller male.

  Shinsou just sighed and wished he'd gotten more sleep.

  "Where do you think the exams are held?". Midoryia asked, watching as Kacchan and Hitoshi  walked next to him, almost glaring at the other teens around them.

   "Don't know, we should have asked Mister Yagi before we left, but I guess-"

  "Oh! Hello there boys!"
  Cue annoyed Kacchan.

" Ah, hello mister Yagi! How are you doing?"

  Midoryia asked, ignoring ghe u
Fumming angry Pomeranian in his dssperate attempt at a growl.

  "Uh.... Oh! I just wanted to a
Say that your exams are being held somewhere else, so I think it would be better to follow me instead."

  Yagi spoke, seeming
.. nervous?

" Oi! How do we know you arnt going to kidnap us?"  Angry Pomeranian has arrived.

  " W...why would I do that? "

  A glare from Hitoshi and Kacchan silenced him.  Kacchan tried tp growl, but failed.

  "Kacchan, growlings supposed to sound diffrent, you have to use your throat and not your mouth, like this.". Midoryia instructed, demonstrateing (SR? If not, have some random forshadowing)   and with it, all other teens(and the three around Midoryia,) all jumped in fear at the lion like growl.

  Midoryia looked up at the three, confusion on his face at their pale looks.

  "Di... Did I do something....wrong?" Cue panic Attack.

  Hitoshi was quick to act

" No!no ! Not at all, we were just surprised! No, dont cry!". He hurridly exclaimed, frantically waving his hands infront of himself in almost an attempt to show that he was shaking away the sadness.

  It worked, somewhat.

  Yagi sighed in relife, while Kacchan silently glared.

(It's over folks)

  Yeahhhh, the bringing in the Halo thing didn't happen yet
But it goes happen during the entrance exam. I'll tell you that.

Untill next time?

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