Kuromakis questions

350 11 3

I dont know why its typing like this- anyway, my phone
What I usually type on, it does not work with wattpad anymore.
I dont know why, it just doesn't.

So I'm on my tablet, and so far, i hate this.

School has started for me, and I have to go in person, and might i say:
Horrible move on their part really. They ain't prepared for it.
Anyway, let's hope I get this types out before tomarrow, as I got school again.

Archive is updated at the same time as this one I belive.

I found it- its invisible for gods sake-

Third perspective

   Midoriya  sighed, watching the pale pink haired student go through the door. School, even in a high ranked one like this, still doesn't sit right with him. It always left a heavy feeling in his stomach, and not the butterfly one.
  Rai was a mystery to him, so it made him wonder, would the rest of his class be like this?

  The answer? Yes. Their was no doubt in his mind that it would be weird. The class was almost..  devided by an invisible barrier. He didnt notice it before, but every so often, some students would glare at other groups. Said groups were in small groups of two to three.


  "I would suggest to stop staring." A voice spoke from above him. Midoriya  looked up to see the ever tall bakugou. Red eyes filled with... something. Nodding,  Midoriya  slowly made his way to the back, where his seat was. Bakugou followed, being wary of the glares shot at them as they walked.

  Glares filled with hatred. Midorya could feel his wings try -and fail- to fluff up under the over sized uniform. Was he still wary of this wings and tails? Yes. Did he care to mention it? No.

Settling down in the desk, Midoriya  looked towards the pink haired student who walked with him to school, something... didnt seem right. He couldn't place his finger on it before his attention was  grabbed by a frantically waving, different, pink haired student.

  They had goggles on their head, and wide yellow eyes that screamed hyper. Oh no- Midoriyas thoughts were cut off as the goggle wearing student suddenly got real close. Really, really close to his face.

  A small squeak left his lips as he fell backwards, promptly hitting his head on the back wall and hitting the floor. The classroom went silent as everyone turned towards Midoriya.

The goggles wearing student was staring curiously, as if they couldn't tell why the young fox had such a reaction. Midoriya sighed, first a weird teacher, and now my head is pounding! He thought, looking up at the ceiling of the classroom in frustration.

  Bakugou moved into his vision, Shinsou following.

  "Y.. you alright? " Bakugou asked, hesitant as he silently glanced around the room.

  Midoriya  lifted his arm, and gave a thumbs up. A sigh could be heard from shinsou as he put out his hand for the greenette to grab onto. Midoriya  silently pulled himself up, ignoring Shinsous attempt at helping. The rest of class silently went back to talking as the door opened.

  And in walked their teacher. (I have realized, I forgot what she looks like.why. are like. Non of my characters using he or she? What is it with the they and their? I'm so confused-)  Their purple hair seemed to be slightly cut awkwardly in the front.

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