idk at this point

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Escuse the change of cover, I got nothing, so have a tubbo with a bee I had to do for school. 

Merry Christmas Btw

-little note, what if I were to Rai and create an original story? Like, this has been on my mind for while and I wanna do it.
It's lgbtq+ and I'm planning to have very diverse characters. What would you guys think?

Chapter start!

   Midoriya sighed as he walked down the side walk. Another day, and another hopeless walk to school. He paused at the crosswalk, ruffling his folded wings beneath his blazer. They started to cramp up last night, and he really didn't want to know why.

  He paused as he sniffed the air, it smelt... Odd. (Curse my horrible spelling. ) Like it had a smoky underlying layer. Frowning, he looked around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He felt his hair raise as a shiver went up his back.

  Midoriya spun around and threw his backpack at the hand reaching out of the murky purple portal.  Taking a quick glance both ways, he bolted. No way in all of hell was he getting kidnapped. Nope, not again.

  He only had a slight warning before a ringing was all he could hear and the dark over took his vision. His final thought was "not again."


   Midoriya gained consciousness with a splitting head ache. (how do you spell.) Wincing, he slowly opened his eyes. Blinking, his eyes adjusted to the dim light. He was... Somewhere. It was a room built of spruce wood, little lighting. No windows, and only a door in the front.

  The green head sighed, better then being chained up, he supposed. Looking down at himself, he noticed he was tied up with rope, the regular type. It was pretty obvious that his kidnappers had little to no idea of what he was capable of.


   Simple footsteps alerted him to a mist man entering the room. The same color of the portal.

  "Sorry for the poor treatment, this will only be brief before you die. " The mist man spoke, before leaving again.

  " Little blunt, but okay." Midoriya whispered, rolling his eyes before wincing. Oh yeah, his head was begging for death. Sighing, Midoriya decided to wait this out. These were completely new people, and didn't seem to know who he was. So why kidnap him?

  Black market.... Nah.

  A second person arrived shortly after, he was tall, was basically begging for lotion, or chapstick, and very much took the expression "need a hand?" to another level. 

  "Get up NPC." Ah, a gamer jerk with a matching chappy voice. Deciding it was better to listen, Midoriya slowly got up, before falling over again.

  Looking up annoyed he spoke. "I can't walk with my ankles tied together you know. " Was his inner common sense screaming at him to shut up? Yes. It so very much was.

  A horrible imitation of a growl mixed with a sneer was all the guy did before walking over and picking the greenette up. Midoriya noticed the lack of using his pinky finger.

  Slowly, Midoriya was taken out of the room and he winced at the brightness. It made his head hurt so much worse. So much. He slumped down onto the guys shoulder, he'd escape when needed, but not untill his head stopped screaming for death.

  He despised headaches. So annoying they were, he understood Eraserheads problem with them. Shinsous too. What did shinsous even do about them? Wait- off topic.

  Midoriya watched as a room full of people slowly filtered out, and then he and the guy went into the purple portal as well.

Was he pissed off when looking back at these events? Yes. Very much so.

  Midoriya look up, and regretted it. He was placed down on his feet, and the guys hand went around his neck.

Up on the staircase, was Shinsous, Bakugou, and Eraserhead.

   "Hello children."

  And end. It's short, yeah, but like- it's almost eleven at night. Good night.

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