Prologue: Silence of the Guilty (x)

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Wednesday, August 18, 20:45, 1999
6 year old boy's POV

I looked through the crack in the closet door and watched the scene infront of me in horror.

"I'm sorry!" My mum cried in fear,"I was almost done, but you came earlier than expected." Her face showed fear and worry, not for herself but for me, as she stood infront of Gabe, my stepfather.

"Well you should have already been done! What held you up this time? Was it that little twerp again?" He was yelling in my mum's face. I couldn't stand it anymore, I was about to charge out but I stopped. If I did then it would just make Gabe even angrier, he might hurt mummy even more.

"I'm gonna murder that twerp for distracting you, then I'm gonna kill you." Then he grabbed something off the counter, a knife, and stalked towards the closet of which I was hiding in.

Mum moved in front of the closet in an attempt to protect me, but it was futile. All Gabe did was push the knife into her chest and pull it out again as he threw her body across the room as if she was a rag doll. She wasn't dead yet but she would be soon, I could already tell that her soul was slowly leaving her body. A cold feeling spread through me. I didn't like this feeling but it made me feel calmer and more focused.

He was right about to open the door when the front door splintered apart. It caused a cloud of dust to block the figure from sight but was too far from us to cause any problems.

"That is not how man should act. No respect for women. Hmpf." A feminine voice said in a disappointed tone. Her voice had a heavy accent that I faintly recognized, but wasn't able to name it's origin.

"Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?" Gabe shouted at her. A dark haired woman stood in the doorway, but I couldn't see much else through the dust that had yet to begin to settle. The only noticeable thing was a pair of bright orange eyes.

She smirked as realization crossed his face,"You!" He shouted.

"Me." She said as her smirk widened, infuriating him further.

She took a step towards Gabe and the closet, as she went to take another step Gabe took action and put his knife, still dripping with my mothers blood, infront of where my neck would be if I was against the door. Then in a panicy voice he yelled,"If you take one step closer I'll put a knife though his neck." That stopped her.

Then she waved her hand and a cold feeling covered me, like a blanket. Then my world blacked out.

Unknown Woman's POV

PJ was no longer in danger but just in case I decided to wait a few moments. I looked at Gabe, his eyes were darting around the room, he was trying to find an exit. His panic was strong and a bit amusing.

"So templar, I am here to kill you and drag your cowardly soul to the Fields of Punishment in the Underworld if guilty of the murders of a half-blood witch, twin muggle-born witches, and 7 fellow squibs. Along with knowingly aiding Percival in his escape of authorities. How do you plead?" I stated, trying hard to not kill him before I make him suffer horribly.

His face was priceless, shock and panic covered his face as he tried to form sentences but couldn't. He trembled in fear and dropped his knife by his feet.

"Silence of the guilty it seems. Well, unfortunately I can't make you suffer at the moment so I have to make this a quick death." I decided before giving a quick and bloody death.

I walked out the destroyed door sending the souls in the apartment to the Underworld as I went. There, just outside the door was PJ, or Percy, dead asleep.

I pulled Percy close to me as I shadow traveled to my destination.

I knew only two people who could take care of him without being to far from me. My boss and his wife, Hades and Persephone. Pluto or Hades is in the mortal world at the moment talking with Lady Hestia, I believe they were at Central Park. So that's where I was heading next.

I hope that Hades will accept Percy, or that Hestia can convince Hades to.

I really hope so.

He will change everything for me and those around him.

He will change the world...
For everyone, everywhere...

The Fates' POV

We watched as the dark haired angel went back to her lord, a young child of Neptune in her grasp. She has changed everything yet again.

"Damn that Archangel." I said

"We cannot control her future like we can others." My sister stated,"All we can do is attempt to guide her and watch everything unfold."

"When she is involved everything is unpredictable and out of our control." I stated in response

"We will see what happens next."

And with that we stepped away from the son of Poseidon's weaving.

And with that desicion,

Fate changed forever...


Word count: 886

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