Prologue (Unfinished) (x)

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October 31st, 2003

"Hello Lily." A man said, I silently wondered what I was hearing and why it was so dark.

"Hello James." A familiar feminine voice said.

"Hi Uncle James!" A girl, younger than the first, yelled out from a bit farther away.

"Hello little Omi." The same man said affectionately.

"I am not little!" The girl cried, offended.

"Don't hog Uncle Jamie, Sissy!" Another boy, a child, yelled.

The man laughed, I could not see what for though.

"Hi Uncie!" Three voices said together, younger than the other two children's voices they were.

"Hello my sweet nieces and nephew. May I come in Lily?" The man said before asking the woman.

"Yes, please come in. It has been months since I've seen you James." The woman said before asking, "Would you like to see Serina?"

"Yes, she and Hadrain here will get along well." His voice seemed to be directed at me when he said 'Hadrian here'.

"Aunty Lily! Uncle Jamie! Will you take us to see Uncle Tom?" The young boy asked.

"Sorry Percy, Tom is working today but maybe we can see Sirius." The woman, Lily, said.

"Yay! Uncle Siri!" The boy, Percy, yelled.

The three younger girls started chanting,"Uncie Siri! Uncie Siri! Uncie Siri!"

The adults laughed at the children's antics.

"What about you, Omica? Do you want to see Uncle Siri too?" The man, James, asked.

"Can we visit Uncle Remie, Mr. Luc and Aunty Cissy?" The girl, Omica, asked.

"Maybe later with Uncle Siri." James said.

"Okie!" Omica shouted as she got farther away.

"How about we go upstairs and say bye to Serina, Hadrain, Aunty Lily, and the triplets. You two need to go get a 'curse and power control' check."

"But Uncle Jaaaamieeee, they try to make us sit still." Omica whined.

"I think you two can handle sitting still for a few minutes." James replied.

"But it's for an hour," Percy, whined.

"And we're ADHD." Omica continued.

"Fine. This is the last time you have to go." He said as he gave in.

"Yay!!!" Omica and Percy said together.

"So, big brother and big sissy don't have to go?" One of the younger girls questioned hopefully, I think James said the little girls were triplets.

"Sorry Dawn. They still have to go, but they only have to go this last time."

"Okie. Me and Dawy and Essie will wait for you to come back with all the Uncies." A different triplet stated this time.

"Alright Andy. You and your sisters are the sweetest."

"So we aren't sweet?" Asked Percy, sounding hurt.

"Of course you are, lit-" James began to reassure him before Percy began talking.

"It okie Jamie, I will make water monsters come and devour all the not sweetnessesses, and the bad man, Dumblydoo! Dumblydoo will be devoured! Devoured by water monsters!"

There was a shocked silence before Omica joined in on how to devour Domblydoo.

"Yah! The evil Lord Dumblydoo will be devoured by water, ice, fire, and ashy monsters! They will fly down from the sky and devour him! Devour him! Devour him!" She yelled. Who was Dumblydoo? He wondered silently.

"Well, they seem to know who the real enemy is." James said to Lily, I think.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain between my eyes. I felt my eyes shoot open. Suddenly colour overcame the darkness I saw before.

There was a pair of eyes that seemed to be made of flames. They kind of reminded me of Aunt Petunia's candles. I continued to stare, they made me feel safe and loved. I then noticed that the eyes were framed with long black curly hair as they lay on pale skin, a stark contrast to the dark hair. Then the eyes looked away from me to the man and woman near by.

They seemed to be scolding her for something. But I couldn't seem to hear.

Then the girl with the fiery eyes called a boy who looked much like her over, the only difference I could see were the eyes and height. The boy was shorter than the girl and had bright green eyes. Kind of like the green fish in Ms. Nowell's classroom.

Then my hearing came back. Just in time to hear the girl, who I believe is Omica, say "He looks just like you Uncle James! He has Uncle Tom's cheeks and nose!

This is never happening btw. This was a one time idea and I just wrote a rough draft ages ago. I decided to post it here anyway.


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