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Did you guys like the prologe? It was from the original book before I rewrote it, and for those who didn't know the original book was about her past before becoming a Chaos Angel. But ya that was just from the first book, hope you guys enjoy this version of the book.

Hope you pups enjoy!



Nico's POV

(Just after BotL, before Nico takes Percy to the underworld.)

I wonder what this new 'trainer' would be like. Hades just said "Come to the underworld, your new trainer is waiting". I wonder who this trainer is, is it Achilles or one of the hunters? I'm horrible with both a spear and a bow and arrow so it could be either. I really should get better at the bow, I'm almost as bad as Percy!

I was snapped out of my thoughts as someone said "Milord, you father is awaiting your presence in the throne room."

"Of course" was my simple reply before I walked into a shadow and into the throne room, gods I needed a nap.

"You should practice your powers more son, perhaps TK can help you with that to." Hades said when he saw me slumped against the throne room wall.

"Hello Prince Di Angelo" a feminine voice greeted

I took that moment to look up, the girl had ebony black hair, dark skin, and electric blue eyes with gold and brown flakes. She was wearing a black t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and black combat boots that seemed to have Stygian Iron and steel tips. There were tattoos all along her arms from what I could see, the only tattoos that weren't black were on her forearm and wrist. The one one her forearm was in gold but I couldn't see what it was. The one on her wrist however I could see fine, it was a silver moon with a sword and scyth through it.

"This is you trainer, her name is TK or Blade.

"Hello Prince Angel, I will be training you to use different kinds of weapons to the best of your abilities and I will be teaching you to use your powers better. I will also be giving you lessons on topics that you should know by now, topics such as Math, English, History, Biology, Health, Mist, Gymnastics, Tactics, Geology, Enchantments, Forging, Crafting, Survival, and many other topics. Eventually, you should be able to pass all my tests and beat my in duels and races." She said with a smile, that smile made me feel like she was going to make me suffer and she would enjoy it.

"Is she new to the underworld?" I asked in hope that I could say at least one thing she didn't know.

"Nope!" She said popping the p. "Been working here for at least a century." Her tone made me think that she was trying really really hard to pretend to be happy.

"TK, take him to the training grounds and start his fighting lessons" Hades said

"Yes sir." She said in an emotionless tone, all fake happiness gone in instant

"Its Lord Hades" Dad corrected

"Yes, Lord Hades, Sir." She responded then she turned and walked out the throne room doors

He groaned at that and muttered "Why does it seem that she is purposely trying to annoy me? Why did I not fire her again?"

She poked her head back in and said "Come on Prince Angel! Its time for training!"

I slowly got up and followed her out of the throne room.

As we started walking through the halls she whistled. There was silence for a moment before a giant wolf came bounding towards us. When it got close enough it jumped on TK, and surprisingly she did not try to stop it, instead she just stopped. Even more surprising, it turned into a pup mid jump and land right in TK's arms.

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