2. School, Grover, Percy Pancakes, and A Blue Fudge Covered World (x)

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4 years later
Monday, August 11, 2003 at 06:23
Percy's POV

"Percy! Pay attention!"




"Hmm? I was paying attention. You don't need to yell." I responded tiredly, I really hadn't been paying attention. I had been day dreaming about the mortal world, I'm kept up to date with the technology because of Delta and Omica. But I still don't remember much about it, I was only seven when I was last there, now I'm eleven. Almost twelve, I'll finally be old enough to go to the mortal world and face actual monsters. I've been to other magical places like Circe's island and the Waystation with Omica but that's different than the mortal world. For one, magical place don't normally have computers.

"Fine. What was I saying and how many times did I call your name before you finally answered?" Ms. Atana asked staring me down.

In an attempt to prove her wrong I slowly said,"7 times, ma'am?"

Ms. Atana shook her head disapprovingly."It was 13 times Mr. Jackson. You should know better than to doze off during training, especially if you wish to join your father's army someday. And you should know better than to stand their like one of Medusa's Victims!" She began lecturing me on and on about dozing off during training. As this happened I began to daydream again.

Then Atana's voice cut through my thoughts. "Mr. Jackson, can you please demonstrate the disarming technique for the rest of the class?" For a moment I was worried, then I remembered how much I practiced this technique in my freetime.

"Yes ma'am." I said before stepping into the fighting circle. I heard some snickers from my peers as I took my stance. Then Ms. Atana took her own.

Styx! I thought I was going against one of the other students, not her. Ms. Atana was one of the strongest Amazon queens in Amazon history! She will beat me without a doubt!

I am so screwed...


That was horrible. But I lasted longer than most of the other students against her. I lasted at least 10 minutes against her. I think.

Either way, I lost in the end. But that's to be expected.

I was currently leaving the training facility to go to my room. I had to get ready, Leroy was taking me somewhere in the mortal world. I'm not sure where we're going but I have a suspicion.

It took me only a few minutes to shadow travel into my room pack my stuff and shadow travel to Omica's front yard.

You see, Omica is my sister and she lives in Elysium in a small house that is kinda oldstyle. Her house is small but her back yard are big, mainly because she holds dinner parties in the garden for the royal family. When Delta visited, as a guest training instructor or she had to stay over night, she slept in the house. Omica didn't sleep in the house for some odd reason, but she put a platform in a tree. The platform was hidden by leaves but you could see the stars that are in the artificial sky from it. Omica had decided to put a few blankets on the wood platform, the she put a thin mattress on it and that became her bed with the addition of sheets, a thin blanket, and two pillows. Did I mention that everything in the tree were colored in such a way that they blended in perfectly? Cause it is.

Her house is a very odd place. The backyard itself was designed to be like an actual forest when you're in it. In the garden area by the dining table was a piano that she often plays while me and my family eat dinner. But the most odd thing is, I can never seem to find the dining area, the piano, or Omica's bed tree unless it is required. I do remember one time I was exploring the forest while Omica was painting, when I climbed a tree and I was in the middle of the forest and then the next moment the tree was overlooking Omica's painting. It was odd. Her painting included. Her painting was of a woman who's face seemed vaguely familiar to me. The odd thing was, the woman was laughing and smiling while holding the hand of a young boy with bright sea green eyes that looked like me. I would have guessed it was me and my mother but something was off. The me in the painting was around the age of 10 and I, at the time, was 10. So I couldn't have been me and my mother because my mother died when I was seven and I haven't seen her since. So what was it the painting about?

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