1. Call Me Uncle Sir I (x)

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I made the picture on the top. It took a while.

Friday, August 20, 1999
Sirius Black POV

I looked at the children in front of me. I hope they like me.

"Hi." I stated, then I mentally slapped myself. Hi? Really? I continued mentally slapping myself as the slaps soon turned into punches and an even akwarder silence filled the room. Great... Not even five minutes in and I'm already punching myself in the face.

After a few moments of silence the youngest of the five kids looked like she was going to explode. She was maybe five years old, one of the triplets. She seemed to be the youngest triplet, I think her name was Dawn.

"Hi Mister! I'm Dawn! What's your name?" She said as questions started to flow out of her. "You look famler! You look like one of the boys with Granma Zeria in Mum's piture! Did you know Mum? Or Granma Zeria? Are you the one in mummy's piture? Is that why you came here? To find us? Why would you want to find us? Mr. Gabe says we're little bratty twerps that talk a lot and that I ask to many questions. Does he not like us? I don't think he likes us. But he does like his couch and his brown bottles of stuff that makes him act crazy. He's always sitting on the couch surrounded by the bottles of stuff that make him crazy while he watches TV or plays this board game with his buddies called pokie. I think he said his crazy juice is called beard. Or at least that's what he said it was when I asked him. Then he yelled at me to go away." She said not stopping for breath. Then she paused and timidly asked, "You won't yell at us right?"

As I looked at her I realized what they went through and why they seemed so untrusting.

"Of course not little one. I will never yell at you like that." I said softly as I kneeled down to her level. She looked at me with such hope in that moment.

"So you won't yell at me for being annoying?" She asked hopefully.

"I would never do that. After all, I was the same way when I was your age. Then of course my family would tell me off for being annoying. But really, it can be very fun to annoy people." I said. Little Dawn just giggled before giving me a hug.

"Now you have to answer the rest of my questions Mister!" she demanded looking back up at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the older brother and sister eyeing me wearily while the other two didn't seem to know what to do.

"Ok, little Miss. I am Sirius Orion Black. Please call me Sirius, after all, I am always Sirius." I joked making her giggle. The older girl snorted as the boy looked at me as if I was crazy. The other two triplets started giggling as well. One of them, I think Andy was her name, was trying to hide the giggles behind her hand.

"I didn't know your mum, but I did know she was in America. I did however know your gran Zaria. In fact, Zaria was my big sister. So I might be the one in the picture? I don't really know since I've never seen this picture before." I said, she looked at me with big eyes.

"So you're like our uncle or something?" The oldest girl questioned. I think the oldest was named Omica, Oh-mike-ah, Ooh-mic-ah, or simply Om-ica.

"Correct. Please call me Uncle Siri." I confirmed.

"Like the lady on an IPhone?" The boy asked.

"So you're here to take us to your house." Omica stated raising a single eyebrow. James would be jealous.

"If you wish me too." I replied trying to remember 5he boy's name. Purse-ee-us I think was how it was pronounced. Perseus was how it was spelled so it could always be per-see-us or pur-sea-us.

"Yes!" Dawn said. The other two triplets hesitated before nodding.

Omica and Perseus looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation involving hand signals. Omica would move her hands then Perseus would move his then Omica shook her head as if she was saying no before her hand movements sped up and she glared at Perseus, he glared right back with his movements just as fast.

After a few moments of glaring and shaking heads, Omica rolled her eyes and gave a reluctant nod, muttering as she did so. Omica crossed her arms and turned back to me.

Perseus also turned to look at me saying the words I had hoped to hear, "We're in."

They changed my life that day.

I hoped they'd stay in my life, but it seemed that fate had other plans.


Just so y'all know, I have only seen the movies and the first 4 books and the first few chapters of the 5th. And in this story Percy is six years older than Harry. Also, the pic at the top is part of the Black family tree I didn't get around to finishing it though because I had to move.


Word count: 892

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