4. Blue Glory and a Birthday with the Dead (unfinished) (x)

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Sorry for not updating. I have no good excuses. Especially since I have most future chapters planned out. Also I edited all the previous chapters in ways that change the story drastically, I also edited the description if you care enough to look.

I am honestly sorry for writing this chapter you will understand why soon enough.


Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 06:51

It took like 20 minutes to get to where ever we were going. Which I only figured out when we got there. That's when I remembered.

Flashes of blood filled my mind. A woman's body against the wall in a pool of her own blood. A knife dripping blood in front of me. A woman bursting through the door. Everything becoming dark, cold, and empty. Then waking up to Hades, Persephone, and Hestia and the rest of my siblings. Except Delta. I met her later.

As I thought of my siblings I remember what happened to my little sisters... Andy, Estelle, and Dawn... I miss them so much. And Mum. And Uncle Siri. And Uncle Siri's friends... Except that Peter guy. He was a jerk. A rat jerk. But still, Lily and James and Lily's husband Severus...

Why is life full of people who you watch get killed and/or arrested? Or you get taken away or kidnapped and never see them again?

I drew myself out of my thoughts. No use in asking a question you already know the answer to. Besides, if I continue to think like that I'll just drive myself into the ground.

Then I remember what my mum's death letter said.

My children,

If you are reading this then I have passed and I am to be judged in the court of Pluto.

For that I am sorry, but please remember to;

Live for those who can't.

Laugh at the confusion.

Smile through the tears.

Be strong.

Love as you have been loved.

Try your hardest.

Help those who need it.

Do what is right, not what is easy.

Do what you can to bring justice to the injustice of the world.

Fight for what you believe in and your love for what you have left behind, not your hate for what you're fighting.

Ask a lot of questions and if no one knows the answer then seek answers in another way.

Always remember that everything happens for a reason and if you don't understand that reason then find a way to.

And that I will always love you, even after my dying breath and there are no exceptions.


I pulled myself out of my thoughts yet again as we approached Mum's grave. Next to it was the graves of my grandparents Zaria Black and Will Jackson. Omica and Leroy stood next to the three graves decorating them with wreaths of flowers and strands of ivy. Candles were set around the area. Petals were scattered around the graves.

Inscribed on Mum's grave  were the words "Work to achieve your dreams don't let anyone hand them to you or else they mean nothing."

On Grandma Zaria's grave were the words "Be grateful that you are you. You are unique and no one else is like you. You have your own mind and no one can tell you what to do with it. You make your own choices so no one can control you. You have your own destiny, no one can tell you how to get there but you." It was longer than mum's but it was good advice.

"Happy Birthday Baby Bro." Omica said when she noticed me approaching. Oh and did I forget to mention that tomorrow is my birthday and my mum's death Day but we're celebrating it today?

"Hey Omi." I said absently, remembering Mum in all her blue glory.

"Pluto said she could come this time." I heard her say, her voice clear among the jumble of memories. Her words were clear, ringing as I pulled myself out of memories.

"He did?" I ask confused. Neither Pluto nor Hades would disobey the ancient laws without reason. "Why?"

"Something about Persephone noticing you seemed sad and talking him into it. Without much effort might I add." She said handing me a matchbox.

"Thanks for letting me know sis." I said with a small smile. I lit a match and began to light the candles one by one. Omica was lighting the other candles with her fire magic. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Just after I thought that I realized that I thought of fire and then fire emojis popped up in my thoughts. I wonder why. After all its not like my thoughts are plastered on a phone screen where emojis are everywhere.

It took less than a minute to get all the candles lit and in that time Mom had arrived


This chapter had been unfinished and I don't plan on finishing it. Too bad. Although I may make a 3rd person version.


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