3. Hi, Dreams, Dark Pit, Lulu and Cron, absolutely confuzzeled... (x)

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Shoutout to TheWriterNamedLily for guessing what DKJ means (with plenty of hints). Now I just need someone to comment why.

Anyways, here's your chapie.

P.S. I am warning you, there will be a brief mention of drugs, breaking laws, eating children, ect. in 'Dream'.

Previously on Archangel;

It took me at least 10 minutes to get to Bryant Park from the building roof. Then I was met with a problem. Where in the blue, fudge covered world was Delta?

Then someone wrapped an arm around my neck and I was pulled into the bushes.


Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 06:35


That was my only thought. And I was so exhausted from shadow traveling that I didn't put up a fight.

I felt myself being pulled in a tree by whoever decided to kidnap me.

Then I was released. Surprisingly.

"Really Percy? Not fighting your kidnapper? Disappointing." A familiar feminine voice says. It was Delta. Yay, I found her... I need a nap.

"Hi Delta... I need a nap. Goodnight." Was all I said as I laid my head on her lap and pretended she was a giant pillow.

She didn't even have a chance to speak before my eyes we're closed and I drifted into a deep sleep.


I was in the Underworld once again. In front of me was a pit. Kneeling at it's edge was a blonde boy. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face.

"Will you join me now, young one? You have seen the gods' many sins first hand. Why do you continue to fight for them? They broke your mother's mind with the visions that came with the spirit they forced her to host. They left you alone to fend for yourself. They sent others for you to babysit. Zeus led you and his own daughter to the mansion that nearly killed you. They knew the dangers but they guided you there anyway. Where were the gods in your time of need? Where was your precious angel?" Said a voice from the pit.

The boy shook slightly as if remembering something horrible.

"Those bastard Olympians were restraining her with threats of death and torture to her family. She wanted to help you, she truly did. But she could not." The voice continued.

"How do you know this?" The boy asked, his voice quiet and broken.

"I watched as they did so. You know it's something they would do." The voice replied.

"Why were you--" The boy began before he was interrupted.

"What are you doing here?" A girl asked from behind me.

I turned to see a girl standing there. Latina skin, flaming green eyes that reminded me of Greek Fire, long hair that was a dark green colour. She was wearing a neon green leather jacket over a neon yellow shirt that said 'Trust Me' with a melting butterfly as the main design. Her skinny jeans were neon green with dozens of small rips in them. She seemed to really like green and neon. Her outfit made my eyes hurt. Her long dark green hair was braided down her back. Around her neck was a simple leather strip with a silver charm, an O or maybe a Greek Omicron. She looked around 13 or 14. But it was hard to tell ages in this world.

"Delta. Why are you here?" The boy asked as he turned away from the pit and towards the girl.

The girl seemed irritated when he called her Delta,"I am NOT Delta you idiot. You should know better than to confuse twins. Especially when one is your girlfriend. Even though I don't approve of that and you do it anyway."

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