1) Delta (x)

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"I will call her Delta." Was the first thing I heard when I woke up. If you call it waking up if you never went to sleep in the first place. I opened my eyes yet I still saw nothing, just darkness. Then, a flash of colour appeared in my line of sight, as though it was leaning over me. I looked closer and saw there was not one but two in my line if sight. One was a greyish- white and the other was a vortex of colour, there were so many of them and I have never seen a single one of them before. Only darkness.

"Are you ok Delta?" A male voice questioned, concern was laced throughout his words, it was a different voice than before. This voice came from the grey\white coloured figure.

I opened my mouth to respond but my voice wouldn't work, it just wasn't there. Instead of trying (and failing) to form words, I simply nodded my head.

"Can you speak?" The man that had gray/white colour around him asked

I tried again but ended up shaking my head no.

"I see." Said the colorful vortex.

In reply I shook my head again.

"What do you mean?" The colorful voice asked

"I think she means, she cannot see." The other voice responded, what he said next was directed at me,"Can you see?"

I shook my head as a 'no' once again.

His grey/white figure dimmed with concern and he waved his hand over my eyes. The last thing I heard before all the colours vanished from view was,"That should help, have a good rest Delta." Then everything was pure darkness once again.

Welp, I hope that was good. I know its a lot shorter then my usual chapters, next chapter will hopefully be longer. See y'all later.

Written: 9.20.18

Words: 314


This first part has nothing to do with the previous prologue.


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