Holiday. Chapter 3.

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During every holiday my roommates all go home to their families leaving me in the flat all alone. Shiro and Adam takes turns in who families they see unless its Christmas or Easter then they go to their own families alone. 

Its been two years still we all started collage and we all gotten pretty close, Hunk dating a girl named Shay and they super cute together. Lance still flirts and gets rejected most days but he did get a couple girlfriends .. they didn't last but that collage love for you. Shiro and Adam became a bond this year valentines day, it was really sweet since they promised to always love one another. I wont lie me, hunk and lance cried as they told us the  day after valentines since everyone had plans. Hunk was on a romantic date with Shay all day and spend the night at her parents house who were on there own romantic night out. Shiro and Adam spend the day together and spent the night at a hotel. Leaving me and Lance to spend the day together, Lance was trying to find a girl to spend the day with him but sadly he never did. I didn't mind spending a day of love with my friends, it was fun. We went to the theme park for the day and shared sweets along with chocolate. It was fun and nice to not be alone at home all day. During the night we got pizza and snacks before just watching movies on the sofa. I think we fell asleep leaning on each other before our roommates all had smirks the next morning. 

Our second summer holiday just started and somehow i agreed to go on holiday with my friends. Don't ask how i agreed because i don't remember but i did and after we all put our money together we got a holiday room with three rooms. One with a big bedroom that we let shiro and Adam have as long as they didn't do anything funny since the walls were thin. Lance and Hunk took the other single beds room and i got the third room. It was a nice little flat, is that what its called i don't know. 

Since we arrived in the evening we agreed to just stay inside and unpack before going to bed. We look around the camp tomorrow and get a basic idea of what was on the camp. We been booked for two weeks but we all agreed if we become to board or cant handle the place we leave early and just have movie munchy night at the flat. (Please just ask in the comments if you don't know was movie Munchy night is)

I was nervous and yet i was excited, this was my real holiday in my life. My family always left me at home when they went on the family Holiday and if we had a family day out i would be left with all the bags or got forgotten about. This was going to be all new to me and yet i'm glad i had my friends with me. 

Once we all unpack we head to the living room area with a join kitchen and let Hunk cook for us. We all drove in two cars, Shiro and lance car. Hunk, Adam and shiro went in shiro car while me and lance took lance car. Since there was only me and lance in his car we had everyone suitcase in the back while Shiro car only had the small shopping we did on our way to the holiday camp. 

Once we all eat and talk about our plan tomorrow we agree to go to bed. We say our goodnight and head to our rooms. Shiro and Adam closed their door just like lance and Hunk share room. My door was open by a crack since i don't like a fully closed door. During the night Lance came knocking asking if he can sleep in the spare bed in my room since Hunk snores too loud. I let him since Hunk snore is loud.

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