Friends. Chapter 15.

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Six Months passed and Kyle already started crawling and even took his first steps. Life was going well for the little family and the parents were both in just pure bliss over their son. 

Adam and Shiro already had their child a couple months ago. A baby girl named Shy. She looked just like shiro apart from having a slight tan like Adam. She had black hair with a white strand and her eyes well they were different coloured. Her left eye was grey like shiro and her right was brown like Adam. Of course the couple still loved their daughter even if she had different eyes. 

But what made the small friendship hearts melt the most is Kyle reaction to Sky. He just loved the baby girl and looked after her whenever they had play dates. He would make Sky giggle and hug her while he played since she couldn't play as well as him yet. She was crawling and Kyle would walk round her, helping her when she would fall flat on her stomach. The two lots of parents hearts just exploded from their children bonding cuteness. Hunk soon found out that Shay became pregant, so everyone was a having a little party, alcohol free since Shay couldn't drink to celebrate the news. 

 A lot have happened in the past seven months. Kyle was born, Sky was born and Hunk was going to be a father. But more big news was Keith being Lance and pidge new neighbour. 

Lance became over protective since his wife was nine months pregant and ready to drop any day, they thought Keith was sent as a spy. They were worried he would ring her parents when she fell into labour and they would take their son away but Keith came in peace. 

It turned out he left Matt, he wasn't happy and didnt agree with how the family acted. Pidge was his first love, his childhood friend. She was important to him and he knew he hurt her for so long but he wanted to be friends once more. He wanted to be in her life and wanted her in Kate life. 

The two was still unsure but Pidge new by Keith eyes he wasn't lying. They agreed to start new and be friends once more. Shiro cried at the news of the two being friends again and hugged them life crazy but being careful of Pidge bump. II

Everyone was shocked when Keith was living with Kate and was the main guardian for her. Pidge thought her parents or her brother would never give up Kate but here he was living with his two year old daughter. She had her own room in their new flat and seemed as happy as always. Keith promised the rest of the group he did not kidnap his daughter and left with agreement by the holts. He even broke the bond with Matt and was starting his new life in the city. He didnt expect to have pidge and Lance as his neighbours but it was helpful when he needed them to babysit Kate while he worked as a guard in the labs Pidge would soon be working in. 

Kate seemed to get along with her cousin and loved Kyle. She would play with him and she even found Kyle and Sky cute. 

Everyone seemed at peace and had a steady life going. 

"I'm home" Lance smiled brightly as he walked into the room.

"daddy" Kyle cheered as he came wobbling towards Lance.

"hello my little paladin" Lance grinned and picked his son up kissing his cheek making his son giggle. 

"welcome home" Pidge smiled softly as she came walking over with a sleeping Kate in her arms and Lance held in his breath at the image. He knew, he wanted a future with pidge and one day give Kyle siblings. 

"is Keith working Late" Lance asked as he walked over kissing his girlfriend. 

"no, he needed us to look after Kate since he on the phone with my parents" Pidge mutter and Lance nodded in understanding. 

"daddy play" Kyle grinned making his parents smile.

"ok, go get your toys" Lance smiled and placed his son down, kissing his girlfriend once more before walking to the front room while Pidge walked to Keith flat. She gave Keith a slight nod while walking to Kate room and placed her niece in bed before walking back to her own home. 

She smiled as Lance was tickling their son who laugh filled the room. Lance glanced to his girlfriend smiling as he notice her soft smile while watching. He soon whispered something to their son before her favourite boys came running towards her. She was caught in tight hugs from her boyfriend and son making her giggle at their height distance. 

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