Kyle. Chapter 14.

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The ninth month came and Pidge was in the hospital trying her best not to kill Lance while giving birth to their son. She wasn't as scared as giving birth as she thought she would be but maybe with Lance freaking out and passing out every couple second made her distracted. She was wondering if she should call for shiro who stood in the hallway with the others, shiro seemed to be able to not make her stressed out unlike Lance. 

"he gonna be perfect" Lance smiled gently as he took Pidge hand in his and she knew, she would rather have Lance by her side during this memory then anyone else. 

Soon crying was heard after pidge gave the last push and Lance seemed to jump on the spot, still holding his girlfriend hand as the doctored lifted up their son. 

"beautiful" Pidge smiled warmly as tears filled her eyes as they passed her son to her. She held him in her arms as Lance stood stunned and in pure bliss at their son. 

Kyle had a light tan like his father and chocolate brown hair like his father but had bright hazel eyes like his mother. Both parents cried as their son smiled and the knew this was the best day of their lives. 

Pidge kissed her son cheek before passing him to Lance while the doctors cleaned her up. 

"perfect" Lance cried and held his son, placing a kiss on his son forehead. 

After a couple minutes and pidge was cleaned up and covered they let their friends enter. Lance was sitting beside pidge who held their son once more, lance arm around her and his other had their son holding his finger. 

"congrats" Hunk smiled brightly as he cried tears of joy. 

"he so adorable" Keith smiled sweetly as he looked to Kyle, tears in the corner of his eyes as he looked to the baby. 

"we so happy for you both" Adam smiled kindly with shiro arm around him while they looked to the baby. Adam stomach was now bigger and showing he was pregant himself. 

"he gonna be a heart breaker when he grows up" Shiro smiled gently making the parents laugh. 

"well as much as i want to yell to the world about my wonderful son, you two need rest" Lance smiled and turned to pidge who pouted but nodded. 

"thanks for being here everyone" Pidge smiled weakly as she sleepiness took over and Lance picked up their son, placing him in the hospital small crib. 

"no worries, we wanted to be here and see Kyle first day in the world" Keith smiled and notice Pidge eyes slowly close. 

"are you sure you wont need anything, we can go to the shop before heading home" Adam asked with a kind smile as he turned to Lance would stay with his girlfriend and baby side until they released. 

"nah, we got the baby bad and pidge already placed tons of snacks into her backpack, saying something about never letting the hospital giving her the yellow jelly again" Lance replied and shiro chuckled.

"now that is a funny but old memory" Shiro grinned. 

"text us once your home and we all come visit when Pidge didnt just give birth five minutes ago" Hunk smiled.

"sure thing, i even make sure my son not just wrapped in a blanket" Lance grinned and the others laughed before waving and walking out. 

"your gonna be such a trouble maker one day" Lance smiled to his sleeping son before sitting in the side chair holding his girlfriend hand as she sleep. 

Lance fell asleep in the chair with a gentle smile on his face and Pidge woke up a couple hours later to Kyle crying since he was hungry. 

"I'll do my night shift my ass" Pidge teased her sleeping boyfriend as she fed their son after placing a blanket over lance who head now rested on her hospital bed. 

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