News. Chapter 12.

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"fuck" Shiro mutter in complete shock as he glanced to the frozen girl beside him after the doctor told the news. 

"holy shit" Pidge yelp and placed a hand over her stomach.

"congrats, I'm sure your both will make great parents" The doctor smiled kindly and the two turned to each other in disgust.

"we not a couple, i have a boyfriend" Pidge frowned.

"yeah and i have a boyfriend who is my mate" Shiro spoke as they turned to the doctor.

"oh a one night stand, well how do you wish to act during the pregnancy" The doctor asked with a small smile.

"no he not the father, he my childhood friend who dragged me here" Pidge explained and the doctor nodded in understanding now.

"i see, well i wish to have another scan in a month and please decided who you want to be involved. If you have any more questions or anyone else around you then just call" The doctor smiled and passed them both a small card with his number.

"thanks doctor" Shiro smiled slightly and the two stood up before leaving the room. They walked in silence before they reached half way down the street.

"I'm/your fucking pregant" Shiro and Pidge yelled as they turned to each other before freezing and laughing. 

"so, how do you feel" Shiro asked with a small smile.

"not sure, the shock is doing its job well" Pidge replied with a sweet smile and Shiro chuckled.

"well the doctor said your two months pregant meaning you met someone on holiday. How are you going to tell Lance or the others" Shiro replied with worry as they walked.

"well Lance is the father since we had a one night stand but didnt tell you guys and was gonna act like it never happened but we both love the other and well TADA" Pidge rambled before doing jazz hands at the end.

"wow" Shiro mutter stunned. 

"yep, how the hell am i going to tell Lance we gonna be pregant. What if lance not ready to be a dad, what if I'm not ready. What if he leaves or finds someone else to love once i get fat. Shiro I'm freaking out" Pidge yelled and she shook Shiro by his jacket. 

"first calm down, second this jacket is new please show mercy and third Lance loves you and wouldn't leave you. It might be a shock but I'm sure he stay with you" Shiro smiled as he placed his hands on pidge shoulders. 

"thanks shiro" Pidge smiled softly. 

"no worries, now when are you going to tell him" Shiro asked as they walked together back towards the flat.

"not sure, maybe during our date tonight. The good news is that we all finished collage mostly, we only had our last exams in a couple month. Once we done them then we free and new adults. I wouldn't have to worry about messing up lance future or my own with this baby since we should pass without worries" Pidge smiled brightly.

"well just take it easy and dont forget your not alone, me and Adam will help as much as we can" Shiro smiled gently and they two hugged before walking the rest of the way back to the flat. 

Skip to Tonight...

"what wrong" Lance asked with worry as Pidge gave him her cheery from her ice cream. 

"nothing wrong, i just wanted to spoil you with my cherry" Pidge smirked and Lance chuckled at her pun. 

"well at pleased i am, you seem distracted" Lance replied and held her hand over the table.

"i have news, that will change our lives completely and I'm not sure what will happen in our future after said news" Pidge replied with a worried smile.

"no matter what happens Pidgin, i love you and i will always stay by you" Lance smiled gently and Pidge blushed slightly.

"i love you too lance" Pidge smiled softly and the two shared a kiss not caring if they were in a restaurant. 

"so, my cute little pidgin what then news" Lance asked with a grin.

"I'm pregant" Pidge smiled sweetly and Lance freeze.

"pregant" Lance asked in shock.

"by two months, here a scan photo" Pidge smiled brightly and pulled the scan photo from this morning out of her bag.

"that is a baby" Lance mutter as he looked to the photo.

"our baby" Pidge smiled and giggled at her boyfriend reaction.

"I'm gonna be a dad" Lance grinned brightly.

"yep, we gonna have a family" Pidge smiled warmly and held lance hand.

"parents" Lance smiled before passing out making Pidge smile turn to a frown.

"i knew it" Pidge sighed and stood up walking over to her passed out boyfriend.

"fine you were right, Lance would pass out by the news" Shiro sighed as he turned from the table he, Adam and Hunk was sitting at not too far away since Pidge begged shiro to help carry Lance home.

"wait pidge is pregant, congrats" Adam smiled brightly and hugged the girl while making sure not to stand on Lance.

"pregant, she got a living thing inside her stomach. I'm so happy" Hunk cried tears of joy while panicking a little. 

"thanks guys, now mind carrying my boyfriend while i pay for our bill" Pidge smiled and the boys nodded while she walked to the till and the others picked up lance. 

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