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Adya's POV
I went to my room and it was same as I left it last time. I freshened up myself and changed into something comfy.
"Come sweetie, I will feed you with my hands"Mom said. I always loved it when mom fed me like a small child.
And this time it was not only Mom but Dad. Kabir and Diya too.
"Aww you three are so sweet" Mom said wiping her tears.
"Yes,my children be each other's strength
always " Dad said.
"Mom, Dad we will always be together and I will never let anything happen to my these babies"I said.
"Ana Di is right, we will always support each other Mom, Dad for forever"Diya said.
"I will always protect my sister's Mom, you don't have to worry Dad"Kabir said and we all laughed.
"Ok, now you kids go to bed,let Ana rest,
she yesterday came from the office trip and today she came here driving by all herself, you people chat tomorrow"Mom said.
Mom took all the plates and Dad helped her.
"Ana di, I have to tell you so many things but I am sparing you for today's night" Dia laughed hugging me and went to her room but Kabir was still there.
Kabir is in class 8 and Diya is in class 11.
"Ana di, Can I sleep with you today?"he asked me.
"Do you need to ask angel, you are most welcome and I also want to cuddle up with my baby brother"I said.
He hugged me and I hugged him back and I felt something wet near my neck and than I realized that Kabir was crying. I cupped his face and kissed his forehead and said"why are you crying Bir?" I call him Bir out of love.
"I miss you so much Ana Di"he said.
"I miss you too Bir but work is necessary how will dad alone handle all responsibilities"I said.
"But Di Can't you work somewhere near, we all miss you so much"he said.
"No, Kabir it can't happen but you don't worry I will try to visit more often"I said. His eyes sparkled.
"Promise"he said.
"Yes promise, I will sleep."I said and saw someone with puppy face on door. It was Diya and we call her D.
"No need of this much effort D, come you can also sleep."I said.
She jumped on the bed and hugged me saying"You are the best Ana di, we love you so much.""I also love you both very much"I said.
They snuggled into me and we soon drifted to sleep.
"Aww,they are so cute let's take pictures"I heard Mom say.
Diya and Kabir woke up due to noise but I didn't open my eyes and told Mom and Dad to let me sleep.
After two hours I woke up and it was 11o'clock in morning. I was never an early bird. Kabir and Diya were at school and Dad had some work and Mom has gone to market. I freshened up and took a shower and ate my breakfast. It was fifth day that I was home.
It was 6 in evening, Mom and Dad was in their room. Bir and D were doing their homework. Now, I needed to tell Mom and Dad about my new job but I didn't know how.
Author's POV
"Sanju I am worried about Adya"Mrs. Singh said.
"I am worried to Sam,I don't know what thus girl is upto but there was emptiness in her eyes"Mr Singh said.
"She was  happy for her birthday San, and she didn't even pick our calls that day and she suddenly came home, she told me that she will come next week" Mrs Singh said
"Mom, Dad"Diya said entering in the room and sat down in her dad's lap.
"What happen sweetheart?"Sanju asked.
"Dad, I want to talk to you about Ana di" she said.
"Yes sweetie"Sam said.
"Mom, didn't you noticed that Di is always lost when we all are around and is happy one moment become sad the next moment,there's something that she's worried about"Diya said.
"Yes, sweetie we were talking about the same"Sam said.
"Mom, you know Bir was lying in her lap and talking and she suddenly started crying and said that she will always protect us for that even if she has to submit herself"Diya said.
"Mom, Dad"Adya came in room with Kabir.
"I want to tell you all something"Adya said.
"Yes,Ana baby"her mom said.
"Mom, Dad I am leaving my job"Adya said.
"Did something happened my child?"her dad asked worriedly or was he just acting up?
"No, Dad I got a new job and it is paying me more than the previous one and Dad I have accepted it"Adya said.
"What type of job?"Sam asked.
"Mom, it's in a company they are paying me good and will give me promotion after this year when I will complete my post graduation"Adya said.
"Where did you have to move now?"her dad asked.
"Mumbai Dad"she said.
They lived in North India, her parents didn't wanted her to go this far but they agreed. They were not really convinced but agreed.
"Sorry Dad, Mom"Adya said.
"It's ok you go and take rest, you also have to go tomorrow" her mom said.
"Thank you Mom, Dad"Adya said.
As she went to room her phone rang.She picked it up.
" Hello Mam,Am I speaking to Adya Singh Romano?" the other side of phone said.
"Yes, you are"Adya said. Yes, it's her full name Adya Singh Romano.
Adya was adopted and she knew it.She never asked about her real parents because her parents loved her that is what she thought. Adya never wanted to know about them because they left her and didn't care about her. She never used her surname Romano. By her name she understood that her mom was Indian and her dad was not an Indian. Her present parents surname was Singh . So she used Adya Singh.
"Mam, a letter was sent to you that you are selected and you could join it from next month"other side said.
"Yes"Adya said.
"Mam, we are sorry but you can't join it  this month"other side said.
"Oo no worries Thank you"Adya said.
"No Ma'am you are taking it wrong actually we were replacing someone as she was pregnant but mam decided to work,so you can join after five months Ma'am,your post is safe"other side said.
"Ok,no worries"Adya said.
"Thank you for understanding Ma'am" other side said.
"Your welcome and Thank you"Adya said.
It was around 10:00 p.m. Adya decided to go take a shower but her phone rang.
It was Ruhaan but it was different caller ID so Adya picked the call.
"Adya,sorry Ms. Singh"Ruhaan said.
"Ru..Mr. Chaudhari What do you want?" Adya said.
"You can call me Ruhaan baby girl"  Ruhaan said.
"You lost the right to call me baby girl, so please keep it professional"Adya said.
"Ok, Ms. Singh I just wanted to tell you that my tournament is going on so please you join after 15 days"Ruhaan said.
"Ok Mr. Chaudhari, Thank you"Adya said.
Adya decided to stay for one more day and than she decided to go her to apartment. She drived to her apartment and spent the days sleeping and thinking what happened in the past month with her.

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