I Get to Know the Heart Pirates

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This chapter is mainly a filler before I get started on the first island they reach in the Grand Line. It's also a quick introduction to Law's crew, and a few OC's that I made up to take up positions that are needed in a pirate crew, such as a cook, navigator, etc. Picture above is a likeness of Ara. Now, let the second chapter begin! ( always wanted to say that)
Ara's P.O.V.

Supposedly, everyone spins a wheel of fortune at every point of some importance in their lives and it determines how lucky you are, whether or not you will get what you want. If so, I must have landed on the worst possible spot on the wheel.
"Why, in the name of hell, did you kidnap me, you bastard?"

I stood in front of Law, in the infirmary. He raises an eyebrow before answering.

"Because you ate that white fruit, Miss Ara."

"Then go find another one!" I snap.

He frowns. "Miss Ara, that was a Devil Fruit. I can't just find another one. There's only one of each."

"A what now? What the hell is that?"

"You don't know what a Devil Fruit is?" It looks as if I'm starting to wear out his patience. Good.

"I live on a very isolated island, as you should know."

He sighs and explains, "A Devil Fruit is a mystical fruit that gives the person who eats it a power, such as being able to control an element, superhuman abilities, or the ability to halfway or fully transform into an animal. The price for one of these powers is that the consumer will never be able to swim again. I'm a Devil Fruit user as well."

I nod, taking in the information. "Okay... So which one did I eat, and what power did I get?"

"The Sakkaku no Mi. It's the Illusion fruit. You should be able to create and control illusions now, although I'm not sure about the full extent of your power."

Part of me was wondering how he knew that. The other part was shouting insults at him inside my head. Very profane insults.

"Does that mean that I can make myself invisible?"

He considers it for a moment before replying,"Most likely, if you can figure out how."

"Do you think I could change how I look?" I ask excitedly.

"Yes," he answers, before adding on, "Also, I since you're a part of my crew now, you need to wear a uniform." He hands me a neatly folded orange jumpsuit with his Jolly Roger stitched on it.

It was absolutely ridiculous.

"Who said I would join your crew?"

"I did."

"Even if I am, there's no way I'm going to wear that," I say, indicating the jumpsuit with a slight nod.

"Then I suppose I'll just have to order specialized clothing at the first island in the Grand Line, if there's any civilization there." He turns to his desk, shuffling through some papers, and asks,"Is there anything that you are particularly good at?"

I feel a frown creep up on my face, and I answer,"What do you mean by that?"

"Are you good at something like cooking, cleaning, navigating, or healing?"

I think about it for a moment. "Well, I can pick locks, I'm good at sneaking around, I know some defensive hand-to-hand combat skills, I can dual-wield daggers with some proficiency, and I can throw knives with accuracy."

He looks at me and nods. "I'll have to test your skills sometime later. In the meantime, head up on to the deck and find Shachi. He's going to give you a tour of the submarine."

With that, Law looks down at his desk again, a clear sign of dismissal. I slip out the infirmary door and sigh. I'm just going to stay so that I can find the best escape route once an opportunity opens up. When this thought is firmly lodged into my mind, I find my way back to the top of the deck, and run into a man in a white jumpsuit with auburn hair, a red and blue cap, and black sunglasses.

"Sorry..." I mutter. "Do you know where I can find Shachi?"

He reaches over and pats my head, much to my surprise. "You've already found him," he replies, smiling. "Captain told me to give you a tour, so that's why you're up here right?"

I nod as the door behind me swings open, and another man, this time with black hair and a black cap with the word 'Penguin' displayed across the front.

Shachi smiles at him and calls out,"Penguin! I'm giving Ara a tour."

Penguin grins, replying,"Okay, but I'm coming too~"

They huddle together, whispering, and I catch a few words. Perverts....

Once they're finished with their conversation, they turn back to me, smiling, and open the door that I came from. We walk along the hallways for a while, stopping at every door that we pass by so that they could show me what was inside each. Almost all of them were empty except for a few. One of them being the engine room, I guess. Their mechanic was a nice enough guy (although a little absentminded). He was tall, had blonde hair, and wore overalls that were stained with oil and grease. Goggles dangled from his neck, kind of like a necklace. Shachi and Penguin introduced him, calling him Yuusha. The mechanic greeted me before turning back to something that had started sparking.

We moved on to the kitchen, where a few cooks were scrambling around, frantically preparing dinner. I didn't really pay attention to the names, except for the head chef. His name, apparently, is Tabemo. He has muddy brown hair, a fierce demeanor, and a fondness of whacking the guys away from the kitchen on sight.

After Shachi and Penguin are gone, he humphs and turns to me, beaming. "Welcome to the crew, Ara," he says, still smiling. "If those two bother you, you can just come here to relax. They give me plenty of trouble trying to steal our provisions already."

I snort and start to laugh. Then I immediately reprimand myself. You're not here to make friends, I told myself. But I can't keep the thoughts from springing up in my head.

Well, maybe I could stay for a while longer... And somehow, somewhere in those thoughts, I find myself making the decision to join the Heart Pirates.
Okay, so that makes the second chapter. That's two chapters in one week, wow. I'll probably update only during those wonderful days called weekends, because I've got school to keep me busy every other day.

It'd be awesome if all of my readers, (like 13 people right now) could tell me their thoughts, vote, and recommend this story to friends. Arigato!

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