Left Side

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"Come here to rescue your woman, Trafalgar Law?" Eustass sneers.

"Actually, I came to toss you back to whatever hellish place you came from, but if that's what you think, feel free to go to hell," Law snarls.

"I'll drag you down there with me."
( Have you guys been anticipating this? xD )

Kija's P.O.V.

We all attack at the same time, Law creating his "room" while I snatch a knife that was left on the bar counter and hurl it at the masked guy.

He knocks it off course with a curved sword, but as he does, I push myself off the floor with my uninjured leg and elbow him in the gut, sending us both crashing to the ground.

While Law and the red-haired-guy-who-I-don't-know are duking it out, I play a very dangerous game with Mr. Blue-and-White-Mask.

He pins me down on the floor of the bar, but I slam my head into his and heave him off, causing the stars to flash in front of my eyes again.

Masked-guy recovers first and tries to turn me into a very gory mess of blood and guts, but since I don't like the idea any more than his very sharp and very dangerous swords, I roll away in time and the only thing he cuts is the wooden floor.

He swings a blade at me neck, the other one coming in to stab my stomach. I back away to avoid a brutal death, and back away more and more as he attempts to kill me.

After backing away so much, I was eventually pressed against the wall, but this time, when he went after me, I lunged to the side and hurled a stool at him from a nearby table.

And a few more stools and bottles after that.

That doesn't mean I won in any way, though. This guy just doesn't stay down.
Third Person P.O.V.

At the same time Law opened up his room, Eustass Kid thrusts his hand forward, and a street lamp flies into the bar, destroying a section of the wall and on a path to slam into Law.

The Heart Pirate captain's sword sweeps out in an arc, cutting the lamp into two short rods of metal.

Kid crumples what's left of the street lamp into a tight ball and sends it at Law again, but Law disappears from the spot, only to reappear behind Eustass and flick his nodachi up to rest under the said man's chin.

"I wouldn't kill Kid if I were you, Trafalgar Law." Killer was holding his blades at Kija's throat. She could've sworn that if he didn't have a mask on, everyone would be able to see the smug smirk on his face.

With a guttural growl, Law releases Kid, pushing him away at the same time Killer shoves Kija towards him. (Law, that is.)

Kid gives the the two a feral grin before stalking out of the bar with Killer.
Kija's P.O.V.

"You really make a habit of finding trouble wherever it's at, don't you?" Law stares down at me as we stand in the empty bar.

"I'm not looking for trouble," I protest. "It always seems to find me first."

"Do you know who you picked a fight with?"

"No. Should I care?"

"Eustass Kid," he says irritably. "At least know who your opponents are. And know when to pick the right one. He has a bounty of 90 million, considering how he doesn't mind hurting civilians."

"You don't either."

"And that's why my bounty is the same as his."

"Could also be why you're both jerks. You like to beat me up while we train, and he likes to beat me up on sight."

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