A Few Answers

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"W-who are you?"

The girl smiles, and tugs Kija along.

"Koyuki. Your best friend," she adds.

And with that, they jump.
The wind whips my hair into a frenzy, and the ground rushes closer and closer.

There are no trees to break our fall, no branches, nothing.

"Are you insane?!" I yell at Koyuki.

She laughs and smiles. "Relax, we'll be fine."

Her arms wrap around mine, holding me. Suddenly, our fall comes to a stop, and we start to glide.

Glittering wings are stopping our fall, flapping smoothly and slowly with a precise beat.

Koyuki smiles at me, and looks at her wings proudly. "Awesome, right? It took forever, but I finally have wings."

Distracted, she suddenly plummets, and I yelp in surprise. Spreading her wings, she manages to stop our fall again for the second time today. (I really need to stop getting into these situations.)

"So what have you been up to now, Kija?"

"Lost my memory. Became a pirate. Was a thief for a few years before I became a pirate. Got kidnapped by marines. Found you."

"How interesting. Anything else?"


"So which pirate crew did you join?"

"Trafalgar Law's crew. The Heart Pirates. I think I saw Law in disguise as a Marine though."

"I saw their ship at the last island," Koyuki says with distaste. "Not my favorite pirate crew. They're despicable."

"Tell me about it," I mutter.

"Kind of fitting for you, I suppose."

Twisting around so that I can look up at her, I give her a quick glare before turning back around to look at the ground.

"Hey... How long do you think it'll take for us to get the previous island?"

I can feel her confusion, so I continue. "It's not that I don't like you... I just want to get back to my crew. Well, it's not my crew. It's Law's crew. Like- you know what? Let's just forget it."

The rest of the flight goes on in awkward silence. She knew me, but I had no idea what she really was like. She was a stranger to me, and I was, apparently, her best friend.

We landed on a branch of a huge tree, and she sat down on it, exhausted. "I need to rest," she states, her wings drooping.

"Hey, Koyuki?"

She looks at me curiously, prompting me to continue.

"You said we were best friends."


"C-can you tell me what I was l-like?" I stuttered, anticipating an answer.

Ruefully, she shook her head no. "Even when we were friends, you were always a bit mysterious."

After glancing at me, she takes a breath and continues. "However, you seemed to be after someone. You never said who, but whenever I asked, you always referred to the person as a 'he' and mentioned revenge."

I can feel a frown creeping up on my face, and ask,"Did I ever give any other hints?"

She shook her head and I fought to keep the disappointment down.

"Good to see you again, Ara." Koyuki leaps back in surprise, and I involuntarily flinch. Sitting in the tree across is Trafalgar Law, the corners of his mouth tugged up in an amused smile.

I'm honestly really surprised at the amount of people that have read my story.

My friends have seem to have contracted this disease called "Let's all join Wattpad now and write our own stories!"

So could all of you find my best friend, MugiwaraNoNakama and read her One Piece High School?


-OtakusNation =^~^=

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