Days On The Submarine (Part Two)

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"Why do you need me to spy on them? What are you after, Law?" I ask, suspicious.

"I'm going to steal every file on Donquixote Doflamingo. Every weakness, his past, everything."
Ara's P.O.V. (One week after this one)

No, we didn't attack Marine HQ then and there. In fact, our plan is to get a lot stronger before we even try. Hence, I've been pounded to a pulp everyday by my dear, loving captain.

I have learned a few new tricks, although it'll be up to you, dear reader, to find out what they are.
Third Person P.O.V.

A few days earlier...

Law sat at his desk, reading through his papers, and sighed. Something was wrong. Reaching for the comm, he dialed Shachi to see if something was up.

"Yes, Captain?" Shachi answered.

"Is there something going wrong outside?"

A nervous laugh trickled through the speaker, along with a few loud shouts.

"Uh... Not at all, Captain," Shachi lied.

Law waited a moment before responding, gathering his irritation together to form sarcasm.

"Oh really? Then I suppose you're also going to tell me that those shouts that I obviously don't hear over the line are not Miss Ara?"


That is, except for seemingly incomprehensible shouts coming from their newest female crewmate.

"Well? Is she drunk?" Law asked impatiently.

"Well, not really... She didn't drink anything but she keeps yelling something about it being too dark, and she keeps asking why there's a strange smell in the air."

Law was beginning to lose his patience. Ever since Ara had joined, a million problems had started to spring up. In fact, just last night, she had been sleepwalking around and punched one of his mechanics in the head.

"Is she sleepwalking again then?"


Frustrated, Law hangs up and rubs his eyes. Standing up, he stretches before heading out of his room to check up on his crew.

He found Ara stumbling around on deck, mumbling,"It's so dark... Is anyone there?"

Gritting his teeth, Law turned to his crew. "What happened before this started?"

"Um... Well..." A few of them scratch their heads and blink, confused. "Well... We don't remember..."

"It's like someone's washing a window in my memories, and every time I try to look through that window to see, they fog it up again with soap," Shachi adds.

From the nods of agreement among the crew, it's obvious they're all experiencing the same thing.

"You won't be able to get anything out of them, Trafalgar Law. I've wiped their minds clean."

Law whips around, his gaze immediately falling in a cloaked figure sitting on the periscope of the submarine. The figure jumps down, landing in front of him and his crew.

As soon as the person does so, he or she sends a quick jab to the pressure point between Ara's shoulder and neck, knocking her out.

Law tenses, ready to defend himself if he needs to, but the figure smiles and lifts the hood from her head. Yes, her. Piercing violet eyes stare at him, dancing with amusement. A woman that looks about 30 years old lowers an unconscious Ara to the floor, and murmurs, "I can't have her seeing me and remembering everything, now, can I?"

"How do you know Miss Ara? How are you related to her memories?"

The woman laughs, quick and cold.

"I'm the one that erased her memories in the first place."
So here's another chapter finished. I'm sorry it took so long, minna! I've been really busy with school and a piano recital but now that that's over with, I'll try to update more often. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it's a little on the short side.

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