Eustass Kid ( and co. )

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I stumble and fall to the ground, sinking to the floor.

I hug my knees, unsure of what I was thinking earlier.

He was my captain, and that was it. I was his subordinate, and that was all.

There wasn't any way that I could develop feelings for Trafalgar Law.
Kija's P.O.V.

Feelings are hard things to describe, because unless the person you're describing to has experienced the exact same feeling, they won't get it.

So I locked all of my feelings away, deep inside, behind closed doors, steel walls, and iron bars.

That isn't to say communicating with my captain was made any easier, of course. He called for me to stay later once, but I ignored him and opted to stay at the kitchen with Tabemo.

Anything as long as it's away from Trafalgar Law.

As we neared Dareha City, snow started to fall, blanketing the submarine, much to Law's annoyance. We left the submarine in the care of Yuusha and Tabemo since they wouldn't be needed on the island. They simply shrugged and turned away, leaving me to face my captain alone.

Oh, yes. I'm going with my captain this time.

Law sent Bepo off to find a suitable inn with Shachi and Penguin, leaving me alone with him. It was slightly awkward being alone with him after the past couple days, but I seemed to be the only one who thought this. We were walking down the street when Law suddenly tugged me into an alley, a little bit forcefully.

He lets go of me after a few minutes, and I tear away, hissing,"What the hell, Law?"

With gritted teeth, he replies,"Marines."

I blink and straighten. "Oh."

"Mind telling me what's been going on with you recently? You've been avoiding me."

"Can't blame me," I mutter.

"What was that?"

I wave him off irately, and reply,"Nothing, nevermind it."

"Kija, if this is about two days ago...."

I ignore him and proceed to walk out of the alley, calling behind me,"Do you think Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin have found an inn by now?"
After lying on a bed for a few hours, I decided that needed to do something to take my mind off the confrontation I had with my captain. So I slipped on a pair of boots and trudged outside, wrapping myself up with a black coat. Then I headed to the nearest bar, taking directions from the villagers here.

Dareha City was huge. Without an actual guide, I got lost a few times before I made it to a bar.

A man with fiery red hair was sitting there next to a man in a striped mask, and they noticed the Jolly Roger on my shirt, their eyes glimmering with interest. Other than noting their obviously cutthroat appearance, I paid them no heed.

"What's a fine lady like you doin' here?" the bartender asks.

"Trying to get drunk. A beer, if you please."

He leaves to get my drink while I sit down at the counter. When he's back, he pushes a mug of frothing alcohol to me. Without thinking about the consequences, I chug it down and order another, sliding some money onto the counter. Two more mugs later, I'm starting to feel the numbing fuzziness that always accompanies alcohol.

That's when Law's warning to stay out of danger clicks, and I decide to lay off any more liquor before something happens.

Unfortunately, the man with red hair stands up as I do, and with a sneer, he asks,"What's a woman like you doing on the crew of Trafalgar Law? I didn't know he picked weaklings to join his crew."

Since my mind wasn't at its clearest at the moment, I lift my head to answer his glare and say,"If I'm a weakling, what does that make you?"

He attacks first, swinging a punch at my face. I drop to the floor to avoid it and use the opportunity to unbalance him with a kick to his shin. He swears, but catches himself by using a table as support before getting a pistol out and firing two rounds at me. The first I dodge, but the second one clips my knee, and I fall to the floor, blood pooling in a little puddle around my leg.

By now, anyone who had still been in the bar besides me and the two men I'm currently up against have cleared out.

He bends down to pick me up, and when I try to struggle, he slams me into the wall. I push down the scream that's about to rise in my throat and grit my teeth, glaring at him.

He smiles ferociously, but I use my uninjured leg to kick him between the legs. When he drops me, I crash to the floor, the impact taking my breath away.

After I blink the stars away from my eyes, I try to drag myself out of the bar, but that's when my red haired friend's buddy in the mask decides to stand up and hold a not-so-nice-looking blade to my throat.

"You're not going anywhere, Heart Pirate."
Third Person P.O.V.

"Captain!" Shachi calls for his captain, bursting into his room at the inn. "You know that pirate Eustass Kid?"

"What of it?"

"Kija walked into the same bar he was in."

"And?" Law fought to keep the irritation from his voice.

"She hasn't walked out yet."

The pirate captain was up in an instant, grabbing his nodachi from the floor where he had tossed it and running out the door.

He ran through the streets, occasionally using his Devil Fruit to get through obstacles such as crowds or buildings to cut a straight path to the bar.

It wasn't that he was underestimating Kija's abilities. He knew she could fight.

But Eustass Kid was a Devil Fruit user, and while Kija was one too, she wasn't an expert on it.

Kid was a cold-blooded murderer, but Kija wasn't.

When Law finally stood at the front door of the bar, he could already detect the acrid scent of blood.

With a quick shove, he pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

Kija was trying to support herself on an elbow while Kid's first mate, Killer, was holding his sword to her neck. Eustass was picking himself off of the ground, a vicious look on his face.

It took a moment for all three of them to notice them, and when they did, the reactions were spontaneous.

Kija pushed herself off the ground at the same moment Killer's sword jerks up, aiming to kill her. She bends backwards, the blade catching the tip of her chin but failing to deal any fatal damage.

Kid fires his pistol three times at Law, who dodges all three, unsheathing his nodachi.

"Come here to rescue your woman, Trafalgar Law?" Eustass sneers.

"Actually, I came to toss you back to whatever hellish place you came from, but if that's what you think, feel free to go to hell," Law snarls.

"I'll drag you down there with me."
It could be just me, but this might be one of the longest chapters I've ever written. >_<

I finally checked on the computer to see how this looked and I saw that most of my chapters were only about two pages there....

I've got no school today, so here I am, actually doing something sort of productive for once. xD

Hope you enjoyed,

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