Days On The Submarine (Part Three)

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"How do you know Miss Ara? How are you related to her memories?"

The woman laughs, quick and cold.

"I'm the one that erased her memories in the first place."
Third Person P.O.V.

Swords are drawn at her words. However, everyone, save for Law, soon drops to the floor, snoring.

"Now, now," she chides. "Don't interrupt me."

"Who are you?" Law asks, ignoring his sleeping crew.

The woman smiles and extends her hand to shake, but when Law doesn't take it, she withdraws her hand, still smiling.

"I'm Freya."

"Trafalgar Law."

"I already know your name, pirate."

Freya sits on the floor, gesturing for Law to do the same, and he complies.

For a few minutes, it's quiet, until the Surgeon of Death breaks the silence.

"Why did you take Miss Ara's memories? Do you hold a grudge against her?"

"Oh please, it's nothing of that sort. She asked me to take her memories away. Although really, I don't blame her for it..." Freya pauses, suddenly somber. "The poor girl..."

"What happened to her?" Law presses.

"I can't really tell you her past, you know. It's a secret." Freya winks, and rubs two fingers together.

"I'm not paying you anything, Miss Freya. Tell me."

She shakes her head, smiling slyly. "I can't do that. You'll have to find out yourself. I'll give you an Eternal Pose for an island that leads to her past, however. It'll be up to you to decide whether or not to go there."

"I'm not going to follow what could possibly be a false lead into a trap."

"Fair enough." She stops for a second before continuing. "Fine then, I will show you a glimpse of her past. Call it...the bait."

Before the captain of the Heart Pirates could question anything, Freya leans forward and presses her palms to the sides of his head, closing her eyes.

When she opens them again, they're no longer violet, but a pitch black.

Flashes of a long forgotten past follow.
( note: this is all in Ara's POV )

It's pitch black.

Why can't I see anything?

I can smell the metallic tang of blood.

Where's Mommy?

What happened?
I can see my house from here.

It's burning, and there are pirates outside of it, laughing. I can hear my parent's screams as they burn.

Tears fall from my eyes, dropping to the salted ground of our farm. I know they'll burn this entire island, raze it to the ground.

But I can't let them.

I'll kill them all. I have to.

Even if it means sacrificing everything.

It's raining blood.

Blood drips from my dagger, from my hair, my arms, my legs, even my dress. I'm covered in blood, and it sickens me.

I can still hear their screams, I can still see the horror in their eyes. The way they called me a monster, filth.

How they said that I should never have been born.

They called me demon spawn.

Am I?
Third Person P.O.V

Law stumbled back, clutching his head from the overwhelming memories.

Freya remains rotted to the spot, her eyes still swirling black holes. A few minutes pass before they return to normal, and Law spends that time sorting out the memories, separating them from his own.

He could still smell the acrid scent of blood. He could still feel the horror and the pain of a seven year old child.

Freya smiles sadly. "Goodbye, Trafalgar Law. I hope you find the answers that you seek."

She stands up, and then she's gone.
Ok, this makes it two chapters in one day.

The Days on the Submarine are going to be quite a long section of chapters. I'm trying to drag this story along to at least 40 chapters, maybe even more than that.

I hope you all enjoy the double update!


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