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"Good to see you again, Ara." Koyuki leaps back in surprise, and I involuntarily flinch. Sitting in the tree across is Trafalgar Law, collected and amused.
The Surgeon of Death jumps down from the branches of the tree, clearly pissed.

He looks at the two girls still high up and announces loudly, "If you don't come down by yourself, I'll bring you down myself. And I can guarantee that it won't be pleasant."

Hurriedly, they scale down the tree trunk and face him.

He pokes Ara, rather, Kija, in the stomach with the, thankfully, sheathed tip of his nodachi. Hard.

"Don't ever disobey me again. I'm your captain, and my orders are to be followed. Do you understand?"

Numbly, Kija nods, and he relaxes slightly, all traces of fury gone into a stiff and unwelcoming posture.

Slowly, he turns to face Koyuki, tense. "Should I call you the name the Marines gave you, or are you going to tell me your own?"

"Koyuki," she said shortly.

"Must be nice to have an artificial devil fruit, huh? The World Government is still wondering how you managed to steal one."

"It's none of your concern. After all, aren't we all thieves?"

He laughs humorlessly, sending a chill down Kija's spine. "Well, Miss Koyuki, I'm afraid that since we're both pirates, that makes us enemies. Unless, of course, you'd be willing to join my crew?"

"What do I get out of it?"

His gaze darkens. "You don't die."

She breaks out into laughter, clutching her stomach. "Yeah, a rookie like you killing me? In your dreams, pretty boy." She looks him in the eye defiantly. "Alright, I'll make you a proposal instead. Fight me." She stops, clearly uncomfortable with what she's going to say next, but continues nonetheless. "If you win, I'll join your crew. Whatever it is that you want. But if I win, I can tag along with you as a... neutral acquaintance. No one bothers me, final."

"I accept your proposal," Law says, with a smirk on his face. "But I want to add one condition at the end."

Koyuki stays silent, waiting for him to continue.

"The winner, whoever that may be, gets one answer to any question."

Without considering any consequences, Koyuki nods, and they square off, ready to begin their duel.

Law crouches to the ground, his nodachi unsheathed and glittering in the faint sunlight, the sheathe tossed haphazardly to the ground. He smiles grimly, waiting for Koyuki to make the first move.

She obliges, frost spreading from her feet, forming cracks in the ground as a battle between Devil Fruit users begins.

When neither moved for a few seconds, Law shrugs, and they rush at each other, Law swinging his nodachi in a long arc.

Koyuki jumps up to avoid the slash, and one of her feet kick away the dull side of his blade, the other aiming a swift kick to his throat.

Unfortunately for her, his 'room' comes up and he vanishes, reappearing a few feet away.

However, Koyuki recovers from her midair kick, landing with a sweep of her legs, crouched, on the ground.

With one hand on the ground, she covers the already frozen earth with jagged spikes of ice, which make their way towards the surgeon, reaching up from the ground to tear him apart.

Deceiving the Law (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now