The First Island

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Ara's P.O.V.

Do you remember how I said something earlier about a wheel that is spun to determine luck? And how I must be landing on the worst slot every time? Well, maybe, just maybe, this time, things have changed.
It's been a week since I've made the decision to stay. My time with the Heart Pirates has been, to put it lightly, interesting.

We've finally sailed into the Grand Line, and we're on our way to the first island.

I'm standing on the deck of the submarine, leaning against the rail. A chill sea breeze is on the air, and it stirs up memories of my past.

The door leading to the deck opens, and I know this because I hear the creak as it swings open.

I can already feel his smirk.

"Decided to join me up here, Captain?" I call over my shoulder.

Law's steps echo slightly on the metal, and he comes to stand beside me.
"Didn't think you would know it's me."

I snort. "I could feel your smirk the moment that door creaked open."

There's movement to my left as he chuckles, and he replies,"Shachi and Penguin have spotted the first island on the radar. Get ready to travel a bit, it seems to be uninhabited."

Law leaves, and I follow him inside. He heads towards the 'Navigation Center,' and I head towards my room.

It's walls are painted blue, and the smell of pine is everywhere. My bed is in the corner of the room, pressed against the wall, and a door off to the side leads to a bathroom. My closet stands to the right of my bed and I shift through its contents, looking for something comfortable.

I end up picking combat boots, black jeans, and a hoodie I borrowed from Law. It's the exact same as all of his other ones, except that it's a size too big on me. There's a knock on my door, so I turn around and unlock it, allowing whoever it was to come in.

My captain, however, stays by the doorframe, looking me up and down. I don't know what his expression means. A cross between hundreds of already mixed emotions. "Come on. We're drawing straws to determine who goes with me to explore the island."

"God help the poor bastard that gets the short straw."

His lips twitch with amusement. "Who knows, it could be you."

What a terrible thought. He is the captain, but that doesn't mean I have to like him. The rest of the crew is fine, except for the perverted ones, but Law? He can get on my nerves like no other.

I go with him to the top deck, where the rest of the crew is gathered. Shachi is holding a handful of straws, and I take one from him, just like everyone else. When we all hold up our straws, I see that mine, by some impossible twist of cruel fate, is the shortest. Some of the guys grin, and whisper to each other but I can't catch what they're saying.

Sighing, I wait for the ship to reach the island. The small speck of land slowly grows larger and larger as we sail closer. Law is the first one to the ground, and I follow suit.

I feel his breath against my ear as he whispers, smirking, "What were you saying about the poor bastard?"

I whip around, giving him my best death glare. Unfortunately, it's still not very good. "Oh shut up. This is not funny. I'm stuck with you for the next few hours. Alone."

"Look on the bright side. At least you don't have to spend the day cleaning the ship."

"Yeah, that makes everything better," I grumble sarcastically.
Third Person P.O.V.

Ara was supposed to be waiting for Law. Not that she cared. Earlier, he had ordered her to stay put in the clearing. But she didn't quite agree so she went ahead to explore the forest too, careful to go in the opposite direction her captain had went.
I know this chapter is short, and I apologize. Sorry.

The next chapter will probably come by the end of this week to make up for it, so please be patient with me and wait a little longer.

On the other hand...

Thank you, Sugarcane24, for recommending this story to friends. It means a lot to me. This story is about a week old, maybe a little longer, and I'm honestly surprised it's reached almost 80 reads.

Thanks to all of my readers so far and to everyone who has voted for this story (about 6 or 7 people I believe).

Don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think! I'm sociopathic, but since this doesn't require being face-to-face, I'm not that bad.

Again, thank you.

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