Days On The Submarine (Part Four)

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He could still smell the acrid scent of blood. He could still feel the horror and the pain of a seven year old child.

Freya smiles sadly. "Goodbye, Trafalgar Law. I hope you find the answers that you seek."

She stands up, and then she's gone.
(I think that from now on I'm going to mostly stay in third person, unless otherwise specified. So if I don't say which perspective, it's gonna be third person)
Ara opens her eyes to a metal ceiling and warm blankets. Shifting so that she can turn her head, she finds Law writing something down in a journal.

She watched him for a bit until he says, without looking up,"How long are you going to keep staring at me?"

Fighting her embarrassment, she responds,"Oh.... Sorry, it's just that it's so quiet. I didn't want to disturb you."

He looks up at her, his silver eyes boring into her.

Uneasily, Ara pushes herself up, only to wince a fall back onto the bed.

"I suggest that you rest there for a while longer."

"No kidding...." Ara searches through the memories that she actually has before asking, "Hey, what happened? I don't remember how I got hurt."

Law hesitates as he remembers everything he saw the day before. He makes his decision then.

"You got tossed off the ship when we hit a wave. Bepo had to fish you out."
Ara felt like Law was hiding something. And she was right. However, since it was just intuition, and since she had no real proof, she ignored the uncomfortable feeling stirring inside of her.
Law turned a page in his book, and rubbed his eyes. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was three in the morning. Three more days until they reached the first island.

The pirate captain shut the book. Another dead end. He'd been trying to find another clue to Ara's past, but every method had failed. His last chance was Marine HQ, and if that failed, then he would have to follow the Eternal Pose Freya had given him.

He couldn't let this chance fail. He needed information on the Donquixote Family first and foremost, but a burning curiosity drove him to search even further then he normally would have for Ara's past.

Law was the only other Devil Fruit user on this ship, meaning that he would have to help her develop her abilities. But how? He certainly isn't an artist, and he doesn't understand her fruit. He can't help her create illusions.

But when he went up on deck, he saw Tabemo standing in front of Ara, and the girl in question had her face scrunched up in concentration, an apple flickering in and out of existence in front of her.

"This won't pass, Ara. The apple doesn't have the regular shine that real ones do. And it's too perfect. Where are the little scratches, the little dents?"

With a sigh, she lets go of the illusion, obviously worn out. "I can't keep track of all these details, Tabe-san. The best I can do is keep myself invisible."

"Tabemo, I'll take over from here." Law emerges from the shadowed doorway, his voice quiet and his smirk gone for once.

"Aye aye, captain."

The ship's cook heads back into the kitchen, leaving Ara and Law alone on deck.

"Make yourself invisible."

With a shrug, Ara does so, winking out of existence.

"Walk around and keep your invisibility up."

As she moves, Law catches a faint shimmer in the air around her as her illusion adjusts to keep up with her.


She stops, and her illusion stops shifting. Law spins around to face her, looking at what he guesses her face is at.

"Release it."

Once she's let go of her illusion, she's visible again, and decidedly even more tired than before.

"You can go to bed now, Miss Ara."

Before she leaves the deck, she glances over her shoulder, smiling for reasons that Law can't quite fathom.

"It's just Ara. You don't need to call me 'Miss' or anything like that."

"Goodnight, Ara."

She breaks out into a grin, and heads inside, shutting the door behind her.
I don't have much to say, so I just have two favors to ask.

Could all of you still reading my story that haven't given up take a look at my new fanfic called "Standing At Death's Door"?

It's an Ace X OC one, and so far it only has one chapter but I'm writing the second as you read. ( this is the first favor I ask )

Also, could anyone willing to please recommend it to friends who you think would be interested? *bows*

It'd mean a lot to me. ^.^

Sayanora for today!

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